A loss to the hobby


New Member
A good friend of mine let me know earlier today that Paul LaFaver died late last year. The newer people in the last few years might not have know of him, as he kept a low profile, but he was one of the first guys to get to work with Ambilobes when they were first imported. I believe he was also one of the first guys to successfully breed and hatch them in captivity. It was bit of a shock for me to hear and I hadn't noticed any earlier announcments regarding this, so I figured some of the people who might have had a chance to interact with him would want to know. Here is a link to the announcment and his guest book:


That is absolutely horrible! I had not heard that news at all and am deeply saddened by it! Thank you Matt for posting it! Paul was a great chameleon keeper and even though he had not been active in a couple years, his presence will be missed. Paul was a great person and I remember visiting him and seeing his collection of Amibilobe's earlier in their popularity and his other baby chameleons such as quadricornis. He was extremely generous and on multiple occasions while I was an undergraduate, he volunteered to care for my chameleons while I traveled to visit my family living overseas at the time. What an incredible loss... I am deeply saddened by this news...RIP Paul, you will be remembered!

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