A More Colorful Lenny!


Chameleon Enthusiast
Wanted to add this pic to yesterdays thread but could not figure out how! (someone can tell me know I guess)lol So I used my daughter's camera which isnt that much better than mine but just wanted to show you guys he can have some color when he wants to! He has come a long way in the almost 3 months I have had him.


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Wow! Has he ever come a long way! He is one handsome boy. He's going to catch up to Romeo if he keeps on. :eek:
Carol he cant hug or kiss you or even write you a sweet note telling you how much he appreciates you..he is showing you the love chameleon style :)
xmas lights for vines... or is it a party cage

lol! It is not a cage. It is my patio and it is like one big giant screened in cage! It is set up like a tiki bar sort of and I have big ropes draped with lights that we light at night when we have people over which isn't often. The chams love to crawl out there on the ropes. i would never have lights like that in any cage or have them on with my chameleons around. The ropes and lights came before the chameleons!! They don't seem bothered by them at all and sometimes they hold onto the lights with the their little feet! it is the cutest!!!
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