a second set of anibiotics?

Captain Creola

New Member
I have a red panther, he is 10 month old, I have him about 2 month now.
His habitat is well lighted, well misted and he seemed to be happy (and very sweet ) the last two month.
10 days ago he started to have one eye sunken in and stopped eating.I went to the vet right away, and he got a shot of antibiotics, plus meds to get his appetite started and eye drops.
In the meantime I carefully hand fed him, since he would not eat by himself.
For a few days I really thought, we would loose him, but now his eye got better, and he is not lethargic anymore- climbing around in his cage.
But he still will not eat!!!!
Can they forget how to use their tongue?
Went to the vet today, they gave me some more antibiotics, but what if his kidneys are too week?
Anybody out there who has advice??????
Please fill out the Ask fo Help Form so that the members here can make sure you have everything correct for your panther. Sometimes not using the tongue can be due to an balance in the supplements or an injury to the tongue or even a problem seeing. I've never heard of using antibiotics for the tongue not working properly. I would also recommend seeing a different vet. One more experienced with chameleons. Since you are in FL we have one of the most experienced chameleon vets in the US here if not the most experienced in the US Dr. Ivan Alfonso. I would highly recomend you get him to check out your panther.
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