A survey for my own personal curiosity

Okay I am curious if the UVA/UVB lights from keeping chameleons leads to bad eyes. It's just a personal curiosity so if everyone would help me satisfy my curiosity that would be great.

1. How long have you been keeping chameleons?

2. Do you wear glasses, contacts, or use any type of eye sight help i.e. magnifying glasses, monocles, etcetera...

Thank you to everyone who replies :D
"yes" 1 year


heres me with my chameleon, he dosent do much...


have been keeping for alomost a year now and have no clue a to whether or not they cause eye problems... cfl are bad for chams eyes...
Going on 7 years with chameleons; no corrective eyewear past or present. I do have his lamp positioned so I'm not sitting directly under it, or gazing at it.
Yes, I know. I was just curious if there are any correlations between how long people have kept chameleons and impared vision.
I have only been keeping chams for 18 months and have worn glasses for the last 18 years or so! Haven't noticed any difference since having chams - my eyes always change slightly every couple of years anyway.
Been keeping chameleons for 5 years and my glasses have changed a little...but I would say it was due to age. It actually wasn't enough to even get my glasses changed.
I've been keeping chameleons for a little over a year, I wear glasses for reading changes (looking at desk to looking at board) since I have focusing problems. I do not believe my vision has changed.
Well, it's been about 13 years for me. Between the chams and beardies and others, I have about 60 cages that require UV lighting.
Thus far: Mi vizen isss grate. That doesn't look right, let me put my glasses on.....
Oh, I meant to say, My vision is great......

Seriously though... No problems thus far...
Going on 8 years and I have better than perfect vision.... Or at least that's what my doctor said. But I'm still young so...
ok im new and i dnt know how to start my own forum..i have questions about some things can someone tell me how please? Thanks
About 9 years, my eyes are fine.

My cage used to be over the head of my bed, so every morning when i woke the light was above me. I used to get bad headaches, but i think it's probably unrelated to the UVB
I have kept chameleons for 9 years, this ended last month when my last one died but I still have a bearded dragon that uses UVB. Anyway I have always worn contact lenses, since long before I kept any lizards, and I don't believe my eyesight has been affected by the UVB, despite having 5 vivs on at the same time (all with UVB in the past).
Ive been keeping some sort of animal with a UVA/B light all my life. Still dont need glasses.

Doubt it.

ok im new and i dnt know how to start my own forum..i have questions about some things can someone tell me how please? Thanks

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