About laying eggs?


New Member
When should i put my chameleon in her laying bin? I'm guessing she has a couple because there are 2 lumps looking like marbels. So my question when should I start to put her in the bin?
When should i put my chameleon in her laying bin? I'm guessing she has a couple because there are 2 lumps looking like marbels. So my question when should I start to put her in the bin?

It make it easier, you can put her laying bin in her enclosure, this way she can access it anytime she wants. But, it also depends on the size of the enclosure.
I never mated her, I was told she would have infertile eggs I noticed this about 2 weeks ago
I hope you aren't too late with the bin. Can you post photos of her please?
This egg issue has been going on for a while now hasn't it??

In July you posted that she was two months old....and I gave you information about lighting and supplementing, etc.
In August you were given a link to egglaying information...which included information on putting a container in her cage...and the size of container to use. In October you asked again about the egglaying and were given information again. You also asked whether they lay eggs without being mated again and you were again told that they do. You asked at least twice more about the egglaying bin.

Might I first of all suggest that you make one thread about the same issue with the same chameleon instead of several so that we can follow what's going on more easily? Might I also suggest that you pay more attention to the information that you are given in response to your questions so you don't have to be told the same information over and over again? If you don't start and do what is necessary for your chameleon you soon won't have one to worry about anymore.

BTW did the gular edema ever go away?
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