acadia 6% t5


New Member
I would like to know what is the correct mounting height for a 24" 6% t5ho bulb. They say 12-18" but I know there are alot more variables. I have a 2x2x4' screen cage and plan to keep plants within 8-10" from the top. I like alot of plants. So with that kind of setup I'm guessing I don't want to set the light fixture on top of the cage, probably mount it 6-12" above the cage. Does this sound about right? If it makes a difference I will probably order the new dual t5 fuxture from lightyourreptiles to have the extra plant bulb in there aswell. Thanks, Stephen
Hi Stephen,

I use the same bulb along with a 6500 grow bulb in a dual fixture above a 4' cage just as you described. I have the bulbs probably 4-5" above the screen top. The key is the variance in climbing areas. The animal will move around based off what they need. Just give them plenty of differing levels in the cage to move around on.

Great lights btw, you will enjoy them.

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