Accidental Anole Consumption!


Chameleon Enthusiast
OMG! My Romeo just ate one of those little anoles on our patio! :eek: I tried my best to catch the little guy to get him out and Romeo was out there by all the action. It all happened so fast...and ZAP he nailed it with is tongue. I didn't know what to do, to try and get it out of his mouth or what. I turned away I just couldn't look. It made me so sad. I would never feed them to my chameleon. now the question is, is there a problem with this? I assuming they eat lizards in the wild but this is definitely not a part of his diet. I think I read somehwhere, that they can carry parasites, so can they be passed onto the chameleon? Any one have any input or info on this would be appreciated!
I would get a few fecals done just incase he did get any harmful parasites from that anole. Keep an eye on him!
He should be fine, just get a fecal done in a month or two. Some people feed reptiles that need to be culled to chameleons. Some just feed anoles anyways.
Accidents are accidents because they can be prevented.

As stated above, a fecal will be useful in the future.
ok I will, but wait a month or two to do it? I have seen where people actually feed these to their chameleons, which I don't agree with but I was not sure about the parasite thing! Thanks!! Next time I will grab my chameleon first and get him out of the way before I try to catch the anole. They move SO fast! By running away from me he ran right into the path of my chameleon.

Boy, Romeo sure has been keeping you on your toes lately first the Hawk incident and now this! Maybe you should ground him! JK!!! LOL!!!
you didn't do anything wrong. don't let anyone tell you that you did. you live and learn and obviously this chameleon is in caring hands.
I say a month or two just to make sure any parasites are shedding their eggs and stuff in his poop. It won't be helpful if it's too early in their life cycle for anything to show up.
Accidents are accidents because they can be prevented.

As stated above, a fecal will be useful in the future.

ok syn, I am hanging my head already. You are right, as I look back I should have grabbed my cham first put him out of the way and then tried to catch the little guy! Next time I will know how to handle the situation! I never dreamed he was gonna grab that thing that fast!
I say a month or two just to make sure any parasites are shedding their eggs and stuff in his poop. It won't be helpful if it's too early in their life cycle for anything to show up.

Thanks, that is good info to know. But I will definitely be getting a fecal done to be on the safe side!!!
you didn't do anything wrong. don't let anyone tell you that you did. you live and learn and obviously this chameleon is in caring hands.

Oh thanks for the kind words. I try and be the best keeper possbile but we all make mistakes and yes I love my chameleon dearly and take the best care I know how to.
I use anoles all the time. There safe and very good for your cham. Ive never had one give my chams any parasites, pathogens, or whatever.
I had a seemingly very healthy Jackson's some years ago that "accidentally" ate an anole. I say seemingly healthy based on his excellent color, appetite, and activity level. He chomped down an anolis that was not intended for food. The next morning he was at the base of one of his ficus, gray and fading fast. He never recovered and died before the end of the day. I have always assumed that he was exposed to a virus as a result of eating the anolis. I don't think bacteria or parasites would have been so quick to kill him, but I have no scientific evidence one way or the other so it is very much an open case. It could also have had something to do with how large the meal was relative to the cham. And it also could have to do with bioamplified toxins present in the anolis. The anolis was intended for a dwarf bahamian boa which was housed in a different room. I had ordered several anolis as feeders from a south florida herp store so I have no idea what its life history had been. I know some keepers feed lizards occasionally to good effect so I was perplexed by this experience. Would love to hear more good and bad experiences about the less common food items.
There was a time when I only had my Jackson's, that I guess there were eggs in the plants I bought or something, because for two weeks we had baby geckos running around in his cage and in the reptile corner of the apartment. He ended up eating one that I know of which was sad for me, but I was able to save a lot of others in his cage. It happens, unfortunately.
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