Acting strange after laying eggs??


New Member
Your Chameleon - Female Veiled, approx. 1 year old, I've had her for 6 months.
• Handling - Once a week.
• Feeding - Eats crickets and meal worms. 5-6 crickets a day and meal worms once every week or week and half. Crickets are gut loaded with cr
• Supplements - Liquid Zilla brand calcium daily and D3 once a month.
• Watering - Dripper and misting mes a day. She likes to drink from the dripping plant life but seems to dislike the misting.
• Fecal Description - Normal is small brown and white
• History - Laid her first eggs with me on 2/8/12 about 30 eggs.
Cage Info:
• Cage Type - All screen 3ft tall by 1 1/2 wide
• Lighting - one heat lamp on from morning to night along with UVB bulbs. everything off for night time.
• Temperature - 77-78 during the day, 74 night
• Humidity - Not measuring humidity misting once to twice a day. Again she seems to hate it.
• Plants - fake
• Placement - In my bedroom. top of cage is about 4 1/2 feet from floor.
• Location - Florida

Current Problem - my cham has been acting strange after laying her eggs. I've had to start hand feeding because she isn't catching her crickets. She has had runny poo. And Doesn't seem to be getting her shape back. Still very skinny and has a saggy tummy. I've upped her cricket intake and have tried giving her calcium by hand but I can never get her to open her mouth so I just continue to coat her food. Today it looked like she tried to throw up. Her body convulsed and then she would open her mouth. Nothing ever came out though... Any thoughts on how I can help her??
How many days ago did she lay? She sounds like she is dehydrated I know you say she hates it but they get used to it. I would get a pastic cup poke a hole in it so it drips real slow and see if she drinks.
She laid about a week ago. I have a dripper like that set up and I keep it going almost constantly, she will drink from it a few times a day.
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