Action Jacksons HABITat.

It occurred to me,while I provide a fair bit of pictures of my enclosures inside decor and Action Jackson, I haven't done one of the finished enclosure in its entirety. So here ya go.
I've wanted to put an orchid in also. I was afraid to sink it in soapy water. How did you clean it?

Took it to my kitchen sink and carefully applied soap and water on every part of the plant then carefully rinsed it off and patted dry with a clean paper towel.
Also,I covered the top of the container it's in with stone and plastic food wrap,it keeps the plant from getting overly watered if that is a possibility in your enclosure. However I'm thinking I may not need it on as it seems to stay pretty dry.
That's absolutely gorgeous!

Thank you very much. I appreciate any feedback I can get. I'm always shuffling things around or adding etc. My biggest thing was making it all blend well and look like it grew in that way,opposed to stuff just crammed in.
I'm actually considering adding a large fake plant to the back wall section in the top left,that way it's officially filled out and natural looking,and helps repel water down more.
if you add a very thin piece of molding where the 2 cabinets meet it will look like it was always a single piece. I wish I had the space, time, and money for a setup as awesome as this. So dang jealous!
Thanks for the feed back. That is a good idea about the trim!
And thanks for the compliment. :)
It wasn't as costly as you'd expect,I had a good bit of stuff laying around.
About overwatering the orchid. The plastic wrap might suffocate the roots eventually. I've kept orchids for years and they are misted for watering. If yours has soil that's odd. I'd remove the soil and just bunch up a little sphagnum moss to hold a little moisture around the roots. You could loosely wrap in a netting of some kind to keep the moss in place. Most of my orchids have a little moss but the roots are in the air. Then I mist the whole plant, flower to roots. A chameleon enclosure is a perfect environment for most orchids. The only thing to be really careful of is sometimes orchids are dyed. If you buy one that's turquoise blue from Loews chances are it has a dye in it. The dye will fade with watering but I'm not sure if I'd put one in until the dye had faded.
About overwatering the orchid. The plastic wrap might suffocate the roots eventually. I've kept orchids for years and they are misted for watering. If yours has soil that's odd. I'd remove the soil and just bunch up a little sphagnum moss to hold a little moisture around the roots. You could loosely wrap in a netting of some kind to keep the moss in place. Most of my orchids have a little moss but the roots are in the air. Then I mist the whole plant, flower to roots. A chameleon enclosure is a perfect environment for most orchids. The only thing to be really careful of is sometimes orchids are dyed. If you buy one that's turquoise blue from Loews chances are it has a dye in it. The dye will fade with watering but I'm not sure if I'd put one in until the dye had faded.
I know it was an moth orchid, I don't think it was dyed though. They had dyed ones there though,very very vibrant. Almost neonish in intensity. Ok good deal I'll rearrange it then substrate wise,tomorrow I'm going to a large craft store around the corner from me,I'm gonna try to pick up an extra branch for the top area.
I can get some moss to add to its roots a bit as recommended.
Are those fake pot leafs? I was thinking about getting them even though I don't partake anymore. :D

No haha,they do sell them I've seen at LLL though and occasionally at my local petco. I kept thinking that when I look at them though. ;)
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