Added Hydration and calcium!... maybe.


New Member
I bought cricket quencher to hydrate My crickets, it seemed to be the most beneficial form of hydration for my crickets. Being its solidified water with calcium.

Since I never see my cham drink much. Though I know he does his poops are great!

Would there be any problem with feeding him peices of cricket quencher directly? I know he'd eat it off tongs. He eats everything else off tongs including peices of veggies.

Warm or cold he knows Theres always a treat at the end of his tongs :)
not sure, i think how bugs obtain water from wate crystals is different than how chams obtain their source of water.

just to be safe i think you shouldnt do it. fresh veggies like cucumber for veields or even panthersif they are willing is fine if he feeds off tongs.
I am not positive but IMHO I wouldn't try it. My veiled T would never drink in front of me. ( I think he just likes his privacy) So I put a plastic cup what holds about a gallon of water. it drips into the enclosure for about 5 minutes and runs down about 5 differnt leaves before if goes into the pothos I have in there for him and the extra drains out the pot bottom and threw his drainage system to the bucket and I dump it every day, Wash it and put it back in the morning and He seems to enjoy that. I have caught a peek of him drinking this way. just a suggestion. I know you can buy store bought drippers too. but if his poop is normal and he is getting hydrated I wouldn't worry. can you post a picture of him? :D
Thank you :) he's become the star of my herp room.

I have a dripper but only use it when I'm home due to flooding. I've got a large screen cage but until he grows a little more he uses zoo-med terrarium with screen top and front vent. (with custom computer fan for circulation). So drainage Is a. Temporary battle but I never short on water. Just lots of cleaning! And draining everyday! So I cup feed so they don't drown. It's going good I'm loving It :)
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