Additude change


New Member
Today my chameleon has been quite on edge. I haven't changed anything in his daily routine, but every time I even walk up to his cage, he puffs up super big, and just stares at me until I leave. I went to put some more food in his enclosure (He dropped his food cup into the dish that catches water, and most of them drowned.), and he puffed up bigget than I have ever seen him. He was such dark colors, and when I slid my hand a few inches away from him to put in the cup of insects, he started hissing!! He has never done this to me.
Afterwards i went and sat on the other side of the room, and he calmed down a little bit, but was still dark colors. Once he found his food, he lightened up alot.

I heard that some reptiles go through a "teenage phase", and get really upset and grumpy. Do chameleons do this too? Oliver is just over 9 months, and I've had him about 4 - 1/2 months.

I have an ambanja panther. He is usually somewhat shy, like if i get my hand too close to take off dry leaves or something, he will kind of slink away. He has never been aggressive like that. Even when I actually tried to touch him one time (the breeder gave me false info.. long story) Sometimes if I really get kind of close, he will start to puff, but not like he did, and never has he hissed at me before today. He has been getting so much more used to me and I don't want to have to back track. :(
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