New Member
Hey guys, I've been a dirty lurker for a long time on here, but I've never found an occasion to ask a question, until this morning.
My question is this-- has anyone ever experienced their chameleon straight up pretending to die when given an oral dose of Baytril?
Last night we wound up having to take our 2-year old Jackson's to the emergency vet, where they prescribed him oral Baytril and a mouth rinse for his mouth rot. Yoshi has had jaw problems since we adopted him, and it just seems like he can't shake the stupid mouth rot to save him.
Normally, we take him to our regular vet, but last night was as bad as I've ever seen him, so after picking up his prescription, I administered a dose super carefully like the vet showed me, and Yoshi literally when "BLEGHHHHH" and keeled over and froze.
I freaked out, obviously, as I thought I had just killed my chameleon, but after I moved him to his "sick bay" cage, he started moving around a little more and seemed to be doing a little better. I gave him some water and called it a night.
This morning, same story-- got him out, cleaned out his mouth, oral rinse, I waited about 15 minutes so he could settle down from that, and then I administered the Bayril again-- same exact reaction-- BLEGHHHHH and then keeling over.
I don't know whether or not to be amused or concerned, as it seems like he's using the same strategy I did when I didn't want to get shots as a 4-year old, but not being able to find anything else online about this odd phenomenon is slightly disconcerting.
Thank you everyone!!
My question is this-- has anyone ever experienced their chameleon straight up pretending to die when given an oral dose of Baytril?
Last night we wound up having to take our 2-year old Jackson's to the emergency vet, where they prescribed him oral Baytril and a mouth rinse for his mouth rot. Yoshi has had jaw problems since we adopted him, and it just seems like he can't shake the stupid mouth rot to save him.
Normally, we take him to our regular vet, but last night was as bad as I've ever seen him, so after picking up his prescription, I administered a dose super carefully like the vet showed me, and Yoshi literally when "BLEGHHHHH" and keeled over and froze.
I freaked out, obviously, as I thought I had just killed my chameleon, but after I moved him to his "sick bay" cage, he started moving around a little more and seemed to be doing a little better. I gave him some water and called it a night.
This morning, same story-- got him out, cleaned out his mouth, oral rinse, I waited about 15 minutes so he could settle down from that, and then I administered the Bayril again-- same exact reaction-- BLEGHHHHH and then keeling over.
I don't know whether or not to be amused or concerned, as it seems like he's using the same strategy I did when I didn't want to get shots as a 4-year old, but not being able to find anything else online about this odd phenomenon is slightly disconcerting.
Thank you everyone!!