Adopted a Vield with no tongue


New Member
I was given a tongueless Vield Chameleon. The past owner gave him to me because he was in a tragic accident where his tongue was completely ripped off. According to the last owner this happend in the begining of Sept, and he hadn't eating anything since it happend. I seen the posting on Craigslist and decided to take the Chameleon in, since I had previously had one. I have had him for a little over a week now. He was in horrible condition when I took him in...Almost dead. I have been feeding him crickets (dusted with the rep cal calcium, and the reptivite vitamins WITHOUT D3, and also the Repto cal with D3) with one of those long 10' prongs they sell at the pet store.

My question: Can I feed him the "non-live" reptile food that comes in those canned containers? Such as the grass hoppers, crickets, ect. As a daily staple? If not, what about the live worms they sell at the pet store? I guess im trying to eliminate the crickets just because their a pain in the butt to catch with the prongs, and i find them everywhere throughout the house. If not, then ill just have no choice to keep feeding him with the crickets, just thought i'd ask if there was something a but easier to feed him with manually.

I'd like to add that I have put live food (worms, crickets with their back leg taken off) in a small container he can get to, to try and see if he will try to eat them with his teeth, he has tried but he can never seem to actually get anything in his mouth. Then he just gives up and leave them in there.

Extra info: He's showing better colors in the short time I have had him. When he came in he was white with dark colors and his eyes were sinked in and had crust over them. Now he displays a lime green throughout his whole body and his eyes are completely cleared up and no longer sinked in. He moved around actively in the old cage I used to have for my old chameleon I used to have. I mist him about 2-3 times a day and he drinks plenty of water.
Wow, That is a great thing that you have done for that Cham! I have no idea about feeding him but others with more experience than I will certainly be here to help.

Welcome to the forum!:):D
I have a tongue-less veiled too. My guy has trouble swallowing without his tongue. Even hand-feeding crickets is a challenge as he can't get them down and I have had to remove yucky decayed ones from his mouth the next day ... ugh ... he can manage to swallow soft worms so he gets silkworms and hornworms when I have them and when I don't I put him on a liquid diet - if you search you will find many recipes for "bug juice" and I have also found Fluker's ReptaBoost to be invaluable. (formerly called Repta-Aid - it's a powder you mix with water).

I must be doing something right. When I got him he was a thin, dehydrated 135 grams. Now he is a filled out, slightly over 200g big guy.
What a nice person you are!! A veild without a tongue is a challenge, I am sure.
If catching the stupid crickets is your problem, just put a few in a deep cup, much easier to grab your tweezers. Also the horns & silk worms are good ideas. I doubt you could get your cham to eat the canned stuff and I don't feel you could get the nutrition from those like you can from live food.

You should look into the club they have in the LA area for cham keepers. Lots of our members go, and enjoy meeting other keepers, plus they do bulk feeder purchase's and bring feeders to sell. It is called South Bay Chameleon Keepers, or SBCK for short.

Could you post some pictures of your guy?
yes its called the sbck i MIGHT go to the next one in december if i dont chicken out and get stage fright because im only 13:eek:
Here he is, he was showing better colors but I think it was the first time he seen a camera, so he wasn't too happy about that. I havent named him yet, any suggestions?


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What a great thing you have done for this animal, he is incredibly lucky to have you! We need more animal lovers/advocates like you for rescued and mistreated creatures!

I thought Flicker might be a cute name... Since he can't flick out his tongue, but he still has his bright, flickering Cham colors :) I don't know if you are aiming for cute, though!
Thanks guys.
Flicker it will be. :cool:
I hope I can get him back to normal condition...I should have taken a pic of him when I got him, he was BAD almost all white and dark grey colors so skinny his ribs were showing. He had absolutely no energy to do anything. He looks a lot better, but I don't think were over the hill yet. I keep everyone posted on how his condition.
He should LOVE wax worms - they are fatty, soft, moist, and small enough. He should also be able to eat of your palm soon enough - just take it slow.

P.S. Great thing you did, wicked awesome.
He's starting to show some light green sometimes blueish green colors!:D


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He's starting to show some light green sometimes blueish green colors!:D

Hes looking much better than those first pics.
out of curiousity, how is he drinking, since most chams lick leaves?
hows his feeding been going as well?
:)thats so wonderful you helped the poor guy. he will have a mucher longer and happier life with you
I have heard that chams with disabilities tend to become more "loving" towards people. I believe somebody had mentioned owning a panther with a disabled leg that enjoyed being held. Anyways that's nice what you have done for him.
Thanks guys, all the compliments make it even more worth it.
He's so funny, before I only held him on a stick to feed him, he would hiss at me and get mad...Now he opens his mouth all by himself for me to feed him! ha can you believe that. I'll have to post a video.

To answer the question on hows his drinking, he drinks when I mist him but I also squirt water in his mouth while he chews the crickets and worms.
My heart breaks for the poor guy!! I am so glad someone has adopted him that will give him the special attention he needs :) I am a newbie so I don't have any advice for you, but I want to wish you good luck with Flicker!
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