Adopted a Vield with no tongue

Just be careful with squirting the water - too much can drown them. i find an eyedropper works best for giving water to sick chams.

Also, looks like, from the pix, that he might have a burn on his casque? I can't quite tell - my laptop is crap. Just make sure that's taken care of too, so there aren't too many things for his body to take care of at once. :)

besides that, you are doing amazing! Even from the two sets of pix you posted, you can tell there is a HUGE difference in his looks and color! Amazing!!!!
i too have a veiled with out a tounge and if you ever have any questions feel free to pm me.
what i do to make feeding easier for him is toss the crickets into the fridge for 5min then i cut off the bag legs and antenia and hand feed em
That's was up bro, I'm glad u adopted that poor little guy, you'll see in no time u well have him at full health u seem like a good owner for that cham.. Good luck with him
It is good to hear it is still going great with flicker. if you have made it this far them the two of you have a really good shot. You sure made Christmas for that guy.
I know some of the pics aren't. I think he's gaining weight though. He seems to be doing good. Lately, I have been manually feeding him about 12-16 crickets every other day. Let me know what you guys think.


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Well done mate, taking on the poor little guy, obviously he probably wouldn't of been around for much longer if you didn't have the compassion to adopt him.. I'm also new to chams so can't really offer any advice, but the way he's coming on, looks like you don't need any anyway.. Out of curiosity how did he loose his tongue? That question goes to the others that are tongueless also, just so I know if there is something I should avoid putting in my viv?

I am here:,-2.072966
wow! he looks great, roaches and earthworms work well as alternate feeders for sick chams. in a worst case scenario, i've even made a nasty smoothie w/ reptiworms, bluebottle maggots, earthworms, and dubia (w/ the legs pulled off), i also added pedialite and mazuri fro insectavores. I have a magic bullet just for these types of things! i syringe feed it to all of my failure to thrive chams.
Some better options have already been given; but.....if you still need a better way to get the crickets with the tongs, just put a few in a small container and put it in the fridge for a few. Mellows them right out and they are much easier to grab.
He's starting to show some light green sometimes blueish green colors!:D

Ok guy's it's almost been a year since I have had Flicker. When I first got him he looked like the pics I posted last November.

For those of you who missed the thread I posted last year, I adopted him without a tongue, and tried my best to get him back to shape. I've been manually feeding him (he occasionally eats on his own when he wants) for almost a year now with all his proper vitamins and water. I feel that I can officially say he is at %100. He's gotten used to our feeding method (I hold live crickets on long tongs and he runs up his cage and bites them off) His cage has been moved out side where he gets plenty of sun and shade. In the pics posted you can see a blue hose that attaches to the top of his cage where he is misted 3 times a day for water. He is very active, shows wonderful colors and loves to hang out on my arm during the day. At night his cage is covered and a ceramic heating bulb comes on. Here are pics I took today. If you compare these pics to the ones I took when I first got him I think you'd agree he looks happier. Just wanted to keep everyone posted.:D


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wow!!! i love to see followups with a happy ending!!!!!!!! congratulations to you on an awesome job!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. What a wonderful job you have done with him. You are a credit to chameleon keepers.:):):):):)
:D What a great story. And you are a awesome credit to the chameleon keepers. Hope yall continue to have a long and enjoyable relationship.:)
This is amazing! I missed the thread last year but just read it through, and a big thumbs up to you for undertaking a disabled cham and giving him a complete turn-around. The pictures are amazing in their difference from when you first got him. Great job, and thanks for saving Flicker (I love the name BTW)! :D
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