Adult Dubias


I was at my local pet store picking up my daughters Chaco Golden Knee Tarantula and I saw a container of adult dubia roaches for sale. I about choked when I saw them. :eek: Not near as cute and non gross as baby dubia's. lol For a split second I thought that there was no way I could breed them but I reminded myself that they don't fly, they don't climb smooth surfaces, they don't smell like crickets, and they are better for my chams than crickets so I brought them home. I have one question and I am sure its a stupid one. Is it ok to put baby dubia's in with the adults or is it better to keep them apart? :rolleyes:

Its perfectly fine! My colony has a mixture of adults and newborns with no problem. Not like crickets that you have to seperate the sizes to minimize cannibalism .
I have had a roach colony for a while now and if anything the adults seem ok with the babies around - I often find them crowded under a female. When a female gives birth the newborn white babies hang around under her for a while.

Here's a pic of a female with her newborn babies. It was quite sweet that they all huddled together! I never thought I would say the word cute about an insect, lol!

I was informed today by my daughter and son that I was not allowed to feed the adults to the lizards because they were playing with them and they named them. lol :D At this time I have two females and three males so I need to pick up some more females. I really want to breed them so I can stop messing with nasty crickets. Thanks for the feedback everyone.
Virginia :eek:
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