Adult healthy weight?

Meow Kitty

New Member
okay so i was wondering what your chameleons weight was when they hit the 12month+ mark because i know my panther is very skinny for being pretty small he is 70 grams and is steadily increasing, My Veiled is 90 grams and is a couple inches bigger then my panther. are they both too skinny??? :(
That sounds small. My ambilobe is about 215 grams, he's 16 months.

hmmm, well as ive said my panther is very small for his age and im trying to fatten him up, when he was about 5 months old he got an eye infection of some kind that made it very hard for him to eat, i babied him doing litterly all hand feeding and dripping water into his mouth its just recently im trying to feed him as much as possible. ( he does eat on his own now)
At 13 months my Nosy Be weighed 84 grams. He's steadily going up though. It was june when he was 84, start of August he was 104. I guess like people, some chameleons just grow at a slower rate.
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