Adult male Panther hardly eating


New Member
so I got him about 2 weeks ago now and have tried everything. Crickets, meals, supers, horns. He's only taken 2 supers and one horn in the two weeks. He's houses in a 36x18x36 with 12 hr light ccycle. Basking sites. Plant dripper that runs 24/7. Mister that sprays every 3 hrs for about 15 secs. Plenty of vines branches and foliage to hide in. Posted a couple pictures below that whee taken today. He's moves around appears healthy, just doesn't eat much. Any ideas guys? Anything in the pictures jump out at anyone? Thanks


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Welcome to the forums and congrats on your chameleon. He's a good looking guy! I recommend a fecal just to rule out parasites.
My panther Picasso usto due that all the time before he was about to sheed he woulnt eat for days after he finish sheeding he would eat like a monster!
You said hardly eating, so what HAS he ate?? I wouldn't worry too much just yet and get a fecal like Jannb said. I know that might be hard if he is not eating much though! He looks to be an adult and maybe he is still settling in. When I got a panther from another member on here he was a full grown adult and he did not eat one thing for 11 days straight! I guess he was just getting used to things, because after that he ate everything!
Have you given him time to settle in? Like hands off time? And I personally think 15 seconds is not a long enough mist time to get him to drink the amount he needs. Even if it is every three hours. I have a mister that goes off four times a day and for four minutes each time. The time minimum is usually 2 minutes, sometimes with panthers you can get away with a minute and a half.
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Have you given him time to settle in? Like hands off time? And I personally think 15 seconds is not a long enough mist time to get him to drink the amount he needs. Even if it is every three hours. I have a mister that goes off four times a day and for four minutes each time. The time minimum is usually 2 minutes, sometimes with panthers you can get away with a minute and a half.

He has a dripper set up that goes 24/7. The mister I use mainly to help with humidity, not as his source of drinking water. Yes I've had hands off. Just opening cage to change out feeders
I don't know whether that is recommended or not someone else will have to comment on that. Most people do longer misting sessions with less mistings in combination with drippers.
Sub-adults and adults wont always eat everyday. I offer food every other day and have seen food strikes last 2 weeks. Temperature, new surroundings can play a roll in not eating. He could also be bored with his options.
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