hello, someon recently gave me a male vieled , he's 19 inchs long, and he is in a 24x24x36 inch cage..but he looks kinda cramped in it? is this an ok size cage or is it in my mind???? help please..
You need something taller. He must be a big boy! If you are crafty I say build a cage but if not you can buy one that is 24x24x48 which is a little bigger but not much. I think there are some mesh cages that might go bigger. 100 gallons? Not sure... hope that helps
im going to make my own, i seen the ones on lll reptiles, its kinda like the one he came with, im going to build a screen cage that is 6'x4'x'2' is that a good size, hes a big guy! ,,i got him from a guy who is was only giving him water 2 times a week, and hes barely eating ...do u guys have any sugestions his eyes are a little sunk in also????
yeah a big cage like that will make him really happy. as for the sunken eyes, have you tried the shower deal. do that every few days and that will get him all set. try veggies too, mine loves bell peppers.
How often are you misting him and for how long? What color are his urates?
I second the shower suggesting. Once their eyes start sinking, if it's dehydration, it's a sign it's starting to get severe. Showering, and diluted pedialyte can be given. Right now he's probably okay but once they get severely dehydrated it's very hard on the system and requires a vet visit, so make sure to get that under control quickly.
What's the shower thing? I have a dripped all day,and i mist for 5-10 min a day twice a day ..he drinks a lot of water ,my default pic is him drinking ,I got him on sat ,he ate 5 worms ,sun ate 3 worms popped it was a yellow thing,and two small black pellets,hasn't ate since it seems like he wants to but he shot at a cricket but his tounge only came out a inch? But he's drinking ,its thurs and he hasn't popped or ate,he keeps making a gasping for air noise,and he rubs his eye?