Advice for winter


New Member
Hello everyone!

George has been a great companion this Summer and I've had some lovely time with him outside, and he's still progressing healthily and (Hopefully) happily. He's shedding today.

I actually wonder if anybody here with experience can give me an idea on how to handle winter. Obviously he won't be going outside in winter as it will be freezing. The temps are already dropping and I've swapped out his 50 watt bulb for a 75 watt. The main help I need is with supplementation. I'm gutloading with butternut squash, kale and a variety of other things, but generally I feel most of the supplementation guidelines here are from people in warmer countries. Should I boost his multivit? Extra D3? Any help is really appreciated so I can really prepare myself for winter.

In summer he was getting at least 2-3 hours of natural sunlight a week. Sometimes more, it has progressively come down as the weather became a bit bad.

Thank you.
In the same boat!

I live in lower NY and over night the temps shot down to the 60s. I am also having a hard time finding information on how to get through our cold NY winters with a cham. Any long-time cham owners that live in the NE or Canada have some pointers for us?
Nothing shouldn't really change. I am in South Dakota and I can safely say that I have successfully kept Chameleons, turtles, and a gecko in the cold winter.

Just boost humidity and keep your house warm. Get an infrared heater that keeps the room warm. Also get a humidifier for the room that is just for that room.
I live in a very warm climate but I would think you might need to put in a higher watt basking bulb to keep the basking temps up. Also if it falls below 65 in your house at night you might need a ceramic heat bulb or up the heat in your house.
Fair advice all around, I'll keep going how I am. I have a ceramic bulb ready for cold nights.

Fortunately the heating is on all winter in my house, so it shouldn't be too bad.
Fair advice all around, I'll keep going how I am. I have a ceramic bulb ready for cold nights.

Fortunately the heating is on all winter in my house, so it shouldn't be too bad.

Just a little reality check for you:

If your house stays above 60 at night don't worry about night time heat for the cham. Your basking bulb can still warm him up properly each morning...he may bask longer on chillier days, but as long as the basking spot still reaches the optimum temp he'll be fine. Humidity changes you do need to keep track of as house heating dries the air a lot.
i live in western way upstate NY and have had no problem. my house is pretty warm, and 70 at night maybe. basking area 82-88 for my panthers. 3 yrs now
i confuses me why people are getting so worked up about winter, you all heat your homes , right? so the ambient temps should change much... humidty will be you bigger issue..
wrap the cage on a few sides to keep in humidity and then up your basking bulb to the next wattage up and relax and be happy.....
if you were giivin alot or outdoor time you should have cut back a bit on d3 and with winter time just go back to your reg schedual

i confuses me why people are getting so worked up about winter, you all heat your homes , right? so the ambient temps should change much... humidty will be you bigger issue..
wrap the cage on a few sides to keep in humidity and then up your basking bulb to the next wattage up and relax and be happy.....
if you were giivin alot or outdoor time you should have cut back a bit on d3 and with winter time just go back to your reg schedual


Cuz those of us that are still really new, and this is our first winter with our chams aren't sure how to handle not being able to take our babies outside! lol I was going to ask about this same thing, with the loss of outside time I was not sure if I should up supplements and or not (not so worried about temps), I hadn't really thought about my humidity to be totally honest! I notice a significant difference in Claude when I can get him outside a few days in a row vs. not, so I am worried about his health for the next 6 months of crap! :( I know we are sometimes frustrating but it is just cuz we want the best for our chams!! :D Thanks for all your help guys!
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