Hello and happy Easter to u all, I'm looking for a bit of advice please!!

my femal panther chameleon had not laid eggs in 7 months, the 1st time was shortly after I had her, she was extremely friendly and always wanted to come out of her viv, any how I didn't no about the eggs but came home one day and she had laid successfully in her substrate!!

Now at the beginning of the year lola had been pretty poorly but made full recover and started eating like a trooper again. but was never handled as she never came to my hand to come out so never forced it.

Last couple of days lola has gone off her food and is pretty active to say the least , she came onto my hand yesturday with no fuss and she's hanging around to come out now as I'm writing this.

could she be ready to mate now or has she got eggs? she's not plump but wasn't with her 1st time she had a clutch of 12 eggs.

this picture is taken at this moment so very up-to-date .

ADVICE greatly appreciated


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brilliant ok, so next question -how long does it take between her wantin to mate and her producing to be ready to lay ?? do I need to do much?

i have a large plastic container ( not filled) ready Incase I need to make a bucket for her ( but if she laid in substrate before will she be comfortable again to lay in same place?)

she's not prenitratin the colours she did before dark colours with orange down sides, will that come when she has eggs?

thank u for ur time
They don't go off food when ready to mate to my knowledge. The only way you would know that would be to introduce her to a male. If she is gravid already, she would be non receptive and show dark colors toward the male, or if she can also turn dark because she just does not want to mate at all.. I have never kept females, but just am telling you from what I have learned on here throughout the years. I would get the bucket filled right away. She may not lay in the same place again. If she continues not to eat, I would take her to the vet and have her xrayed for eggs. Atleast you will know if you are dealing with eggs, and if not, then try to figure out why she has stopped eating. Happy Easter to you too!
Thank you, sorry I misled slightly she's not eating any staple food but will happily eat was worms , ov just ordered silk worms!!

i don't have a male to introduce and iv no plans to mate her, I guess is a waiting game then !!

when she was poorly she went 2 months without eating hes gained 12grams since Feb and currently really healthy she sees a vet regulally due to bring poorly Dec Jan feb.

Thank u :)
she doesn't like morio worms ( super worms)only silk worms and the fatty wax worms, i won't over do it :)
She may be addicted to wax worms and that is why she does not take any other insect. My best advise is to stop offering wax worms as they are mainly fat.
Good luck with your girl.
hi ya I must apologise I really didn't explain myself well at all, I only fed wax worms yest and today as shes not touched her crickets in couple days. i only tend to use wax worms as treats ( not even weekly)
when she was poorly Dec Jan and Feb I tried to get the odd wax worm in to get some grams in her . she's deffinitly not addicted to them,
however I appreciate ur advice

everytime iv gone up stairs and she's seen me she has come to front of Viv to come out, I sprayed her viv and she walked along her vine and climbed onto the water spray, the only time she ever behaved like this is when I first got her and within 3 /4 weeks she laid eggs.
I'm not complaining about her comig out iv longed for this so much and been so patiant i never force her out only ever put my hand in to see if she will climb on me!!
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hi ya I must apologise I really didn't explain myself well at all, I only fed wax worms yest and today as shes not touched her crickets in couple days. i only tend to use wax worms as treats ( not even weekly)
when she was poorly Dec Jan and Feb I tried to get the odd wax worm in to get some grams in her . she's deffinitly not addicted to them,
however I appreciate ur advice

everytime iv gone up stairs and she's seen me she has come to front of Viv to come out, I sprayed her viv and she walked along her vine and climbed onto the water spray, the only time she ever behaved like this is when I first got her and within 3 /4 weeks she laid eggs.
I'm not complaining about her comig out iv longed for this so much and been so patiant i never force her out only ever put my hand in to see if she will climb on me!!
Sorry It was probably me who misunderstood.
Hope she gets well. Good luck
When my veiled was receptive she barely ate and was full of energy running up and down the cage always trying to get out the moment the cage was open. She had bright vibrant colors of green yellow and turquoise. She was like this for about three weeks then three weeks later she finally laid a clutch of 45 eggs.
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When my veiled was receptive she barely ate and was full of energy running up and down the cage always trying to get out the moment the cage was open. She had bright vibrant colors of green yellow and turquoise. She was like this for about three weeks then three weeks later she finally laid a clutch of 45 eggs.
Thank you, yes lola is highly energetic atm always wanting to come out roamin around and around her enclosure in and out of id her vines plants leaves etc, an I'll post pic of her colours!!
ur post describes lola to a 'T' atm


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ahhh I'm kinda new to it as she behaved like this from the moment I got her and she was only 4 months when she laid her 1st clutch of 12 eggs, I just came in one day to find eggs in her viv. So it's a learning curve for me too . appreciate ur help and kindness
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