advice on suppliments please


Iv had so much help on this forum and would like some more. so prior to coming to this forum my suppliments consisted on
repashy super pluss which I was coating fruit and veg and gutloading my insects.

since coming on this forum as suggested I should be dusting insects with calcium daily, I have been doing this every day for about 3/4 weeks.

do i need a multi vitamin aswell?? and when would u use it??
i was thinking Monday through to Friday dust with calcium sat and sunday dust with multivitamin??

could u help and advice please regarding this matter!!
also when I dust my insects with calcium I put them in a tub shower then with calcium shake them about and drop in feeder is this correct??

thanks in advance
What i do is Sunday, Tuesday, Friday i dust everything with Repti Calcium (my calcium duster) and on Wednesday i dust everything with my Rep-Cal Herptivite ( my multi-vitamin). Only dust once a week with the multi vitamin because it was harm your cham if you over vitamien them.
Actually, dust the gutloaded feeders calcium without D3 every feeding,and dust the calcium with D3 twice a month ONLY
Same goes with the multivitamin twice a month only on the different day use it along.
i think all this advice is a bit generic

how do you account for the different brands and different amounts transferred with a dusting?
It all depending on what type of the chameleons you keep,But that is the general guidelines for the supplements using,the way to dust all the feeders are LIGHTLY DUSTED,NOT HEAVELY COATING!
is there any brand that is better than other in multi vitamin or will any be ok?? I'm in uk
I use the repashy calcium plus, and with this you do not need to use any other supplements, i very lightly dust the crickets every feeding and ive never had to take a trip to the vet. My chams are healthy as can be, i just try to offer them fruits and vegi, as well as hornworms and possible slik worms once a week as well
oh ok, I colurently iluse repashy calcium plus to gut load with, but started to use plain calcium to dust as suggeted by someone on this forum. so once a week can u wish with my repashy calcium plus?? and that in theory be my multivitamin ??

when I have silk worms I feed them daily as my baby suffers with pooping !!

really helpful comments thank u
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