New Member
Hello, although I have been using this site extensively for some time now, this is my first post to it. I was hoping my first post was going to be filled with pictures bragging about my beautiful Blue Bar Ambilobe, Bagheera, and his custom enclosure. Unfortunately, this post is regarding what I believe to be the initial stages of a URI.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male, Blue Bar Ambilobe, 5-6 months old and I have had him for one month.
Handling - I handle him 1-2 times a day, mostly when he runs over and tries to climb up my hand.
Feeding - Dubia Roaches gutloaded with an all natural dry chow blend along with vegetables and fruit. He is eating approximately 4-5 a day. Supplemented with Total Bites and dusted with Exo Terra Multi Vitamin.
Watering - Custom Automatic Rain Ring that goes off every 2 hours during daylight for 1-2 minutes. I see him drinking routinely.
Fecal Description - He has not been tested for parasites but fecal matter is of normal color and consistency, urates are normal white as well.
History - He eats, drinks, and defecates regularly and is very active and social. Seems to be very happy and healthy until this morning.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 24X24X54. Custom Enclosure. I retro'd an old china cabinet into what I thought was the perfect enclosure. Acrylic Plexiglass Front Door, Full Length Wire Sides, and Partial Wire Top. Automatic Drainage with ZERO Substrate.
Lighting - Reptisun 5.0 Uvb 18 inch, 12 on/12 off.
Temperature - Clay Emitter Supplement Heater, 88 basking, 75 ambient. Measured with two separate with analog thermometers.
Humidity - Analog Hygrometer, low's of 48, high's of 65, average of 50.
Plants - One Live Croton and One Live Golden Apothos
Placement - Cage is in dining room, low to moderate traffic, and his top basking spot is approximately 6 feet off of the ground.
Location - Northern California
Current Problem - So far, Bagheera, has been a happy and healthy Panther. He eats plenty, active in his cage during the day, and seems to want to be social whenever a hand is in his cage tending to the feeder bowl or taking care of husbandry. He is frequently drinking water and had his first shed in my care 2 weeks ago. However, this morning I noticed he has a very faint "clicking" noise sporadically when he is walking. He has snorted/sneezed every so often but I believe this is slightly normal? He has NO other signs/symptoms of a URI or MBD, I have researched both. I am thinking about increasing his basking temp for the time being, I am thinking this may help mitigate any progression of a URI if this is the very beginning stages of one.
Is there anything else that could cause these clicking/popping noises? He seems to be very healthy and happy.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male, Blue Bar Ambilobe, 5-6 months old and I have had him for one month.
Handling - I handle him 1-2 times a day, mostly when he runs over and tries to climb up my hand.
Feeding - Dubia Roaches gutloaded with an all natural dry chow blend along with vegetables and fruit. He is eating approximately 4-5 a day. Supplemented with Total Bites and dusted with Exo Terra Multi Vitamin.
Watering - Custom Automatic Rain Ring that goes off every 2 hours during daylight for 1-2 minutes. I see him drinking routinely.
Fecal Description - He has not been tested for parasites but fecal matter is of normal color and consistency, urates are normal white as well.
History - He eats, drinks, and defecates regularly and is very active and social. Seems to be very happy and healthy until this morning.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 24X24X54. Custom Enclosure. I retro'd an old china cabinet into what I thought was the perfect enclosure. Acrylic Plexiglass Front Door, Full Length Wire Sides, and Partial Wire Top. Automatic Drainage with ZERO Substrate.
Lighting - Reptisun 5.0 Uvb 18 inch, 12 on/12 off.
Temperature - Clay Emitter Supplement Heater, 88 basking, 75 ambient. Measured with two separate with analog thermometers.
Humidity - Analog Hygrometer, low's of 48, high's of 65, average of 50.
Plants - One Live Croton and One Live Golden Apothos
Placement - Cage is in dining room, low to moderate traffic, and his top basking spot is approximately 6 feet off of the ground.
Location - Northern California
Current Problem - So far, Bagheera, has been a happy and healthy Panther. He eats plenty, active in his cage during the day, and seems to want to be social whenever a hand is in his cage tending to the feeder bowl or taking care of husbandry. He is frequently drinking water and had his first shed in my care 2 weeks ago. However, this morning I noticed he has a very faint "clicking" noise sporadically when he is walking. He has snorted/sneezed every so often but I believe this is slightly normal? He has NO other signs/symptoms of a URI or MBD, I have researched both. I am thinking about increasing his basking temp for the time being, I am thinking this may help mitigate any progression of a URI if this is the very beginning stages of one.
Is there anything else that could cause these clicking/popping noises? He seems to be very healthy and happy.