Africanus gaping and gasping


My female africanus (who laid a clutch about a month ago) is starting to spend a lot of time gaping while she basks and occasionally will gasp- it doesn't look like she is having trouble breathing, more like she is trying to expel air and when she does so she compresses her body. I recently had to treat for a badly infected injury on her arm (used baytril PO at 10 mg/Kg) but she has since made a full and remarkable recovery. She is alert, eats and drinks normally, and does not exhibit any common symptoms of respiratory issues like mucous discharge, wheezing, or irregular breathing.

Anyone have similar experience? I guess right now I'm going to watch her closely to see if anything develops.
How many eggs did she lay and did she do it normally (dig, lay, fill in the hole, return to the branches, hungry and thirsty)?
She laid 25 eggs (normally, dug about 2' down in a trash barrel egg laying bin). She messed up her hand when laying (rubbed it raw and it got infected) so I removed her from the bin but she had filled in the hole and even dug a false tunnel. The next day she dropped a mass of infertile eggs and ova- probably about 10 eggs worth altogether. I don't think she's retained an egg as I've palpated her carefully and haven't felt anything although I know it would take an ultrasound to be sure. After fixing up her arm her appetite came right back and she put on a good bit of weight and seemed to recover about as fully as could be expected.
When she does that check the temps. It sounds like she is basking under a bulb that is too warm. Mist her and turn off her basking bulb for awhile and see if she stops it. What wattage are you using? I use 40's in all mine and sometimes the cages by the windows get too warm so I turn off the basking lamps in the afternoon. I monitor my temps and watch the ladies for signs of them being too warm.
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