After a few days I can post this tragic news of Ichi


New Member
:(:( Well I took Ichi back to the vet on Friday for his check up on his nose and eye. She flushed out his nostril and took out the gunk from the top of his mouth. She gave him another antibiotic to see if this helps. I talked to the vet and she said that it looks like his sinus infection is actually the staff infection spread to his sinus cavity. She has been cleaning it out every two days and I apply a drop twice a day to the nostril that is infected. I asked the vet if he was going to get better. I know that she can’t know for sure but she doesn’t know. I am now afraid that this is something that he will not survive. It makes me sad to even talk about this and I am having a hard time coming to terms with this. I know that the vet is doing everything that she can and she is consulting with a vet in LA but I just feel like I am at a loss.
Ichi seems to be doing well considering that he is really sick! He is normal aqua green most of the day. He does sleep at times during the day but he is sick so that is expected. He is still eating, drinking, and pooping. I have hope that he will get better but I am scared.
Sorry to hear about Ichi, I hope he pulls through. My Esteban is hanging in the balance as well with a swollen eye, yet he will not eat. I'm trying to find a vet to see him asap
Eating, drinking, and pooping are GOOD signs. Fight the good fight and hang in there. Keeping my fingers crossed for the little guy. Peace.
Thanks I know that they are good signs I just really feel bad for the guy. I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best. Thanks
How did the vet come to the conclusion this is staff in the first place? What was used on your cham to fight it? Staff is very hard to get rid of. In fact, it's next to impossible without the right antibiotics, vancomycin and Gentamicin are usually what it takes. These are 2 of the strongest antibiotics on the market. Witch one to use depends on if you are fighting gram positive or gram negative bacteria. I have doubts that a cham would survive treatment from either of the meds I listed. I almost want to call a staff infection on a cham a death sentence.
How did the vet come to the conclusion this is staff in the first place? What was used on your cham to fight it? Staff is very hard to get rid of. In fact, it's next to impossible without the right antibiotics, vancomycin and Gentamicin are usually what it takes. These are 2 of the strongest antibiotics on the market. Witch one to use depends on if you are fighting gram positive or gram negative bacteria. I have doubts that a cham would survive treatment from either of the meds I listed. I almost want to call a staff infection on a cham a death sentence.

Well when I first took him in about his lobe and shoulder dying the vet took samples and did a biopsy of his shoulder and the test came back as a staff infection. He was treated with antibotics twice a day ( I am at work so I don't know the name of the antibotic off hand). He was getting better and the shoulder area is healing up nicely....then about 2 1/2 weeks ago his nostril was swollen so I took him to the vet and she thought right off the bat that it was a sinus infection. He was still on antibotics and she thought he shouldn't have gotten a sinus infection being on the antibotics that he was on. I have been taking him to the vet every couple of days to check on his progress. Last week when I took him in she started to think that it was related to his staff infection since the swelling hadn't gone away. On friday she confrimed that it is the staff infection and it has moved into his sinus cavity. She gave him another kind of antibotic earlier in the week since that was her thought but it gave him really runny stool so on friday she didn't give him that antibotic after I told he about the stool. She told me that it is one of the strongest antibotics and was afraid that it would do that.
I am really hoping that he pulls through this though....
It sounds as if the staff is doing exactly what it does. It will move from location to location on/in the host. People with this break out in little sores. The nasal cavity is also home base for this bacteria. Nose swabs are what's done to test for it.

You should also be completely sterilizing his cage daily. I would strip it to a minimal setup. Toss all live plants. Use plastic plants wile he is sick. You can clean those. This is one infectious bug and should be treated accordingly. Also make certain no bodily fluids are transfered to any other reptile cage.
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