age of full size?


New Member
hey everyone...

ok, simple question, ROUGHLY, at what age does a male and a female Veiled reach their full, adult size?

my son asked me that question today, and since i am still a newbie, with both my male and female under 1 year old, i really had no answer of him.

Chameleons will continue growing throughout their lives, but the growth rate slows way, way down once they reach a typical adult size.

IME, Veiled typically reach at least 80% of their typical adult size by around 1 yr old and can slowly put on a bit more size over the remainder of their lifespan. Of course, this assumes good, healthy growing conditions. Marginal growth conditions will prevent them from growing as fast or to a normal, healthy size. For a 1 yr old female I'd expect her to reach about 9-12" total length and for a 1 yr old male I'd expect him to reach about 12-15" total length. Each could put on another few inches over the following several years, though females rarely exceed 14" TL and males rarely exceed 18" TL. As with most chameleons, they reach sexual maturity and would naturally begin to reproduce at a much younger age and smaller size. Typically females reach sexual maturity at around 4-6 months age and half their 'adult size', and ditto for males at around 6-8 months of age.

Chameleons will continue growing throughout their lives, but the growth rate slows way, way down once they reach a typical adult size.

IME, Veiled typically reach at least 80% of their typical adult size by around 1 yr old and can slowly put on a bit more size over the remainder of their lifespan. Of course, this assumes good, healthy growing conditions. Marginal growth conditions will prevent them from growing as fast or to a normal, healthy size. For a 1 yr old female I'd expect her to reach about 9-12" total length and for a 1 yr old male I'd expect him to reach about 12-15" total length. Each could put on another few inches over the following several years, though females rarely exceed 14" TL and males rarely exceed 18" TL. As with most chameleons, they reach sexual maturity and would naturally begin to reproduce at a much younger age and smaller size. Typically females reach sexual maturity at around 4-6 months age and half their 'adult size', and ditto for males at around 6-8 months of age.

awesome info! thanks!!!!
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