Age of my cham

So today I got my female’s front arms on my hand, while she reached and ate a super worm from my cricket tweezers. However, after she ate it, she started looking down at my hand and began to stick her tongue out like there was food on it. When she noticed there wasn’t anything, she started hissing, and I moved my hand so she would go further in the cage. A little confused why she would just hiss at me, and not just move herself and go back further in the cage? I’m so sad that she hissed, I thought we were making progress :confused:
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So today I got my female’s front arms on my hand, while she reached and ate a super worm from my cricket tweezers. However, after she ate it, she started looking down at my hand and began to stick her tongue out like there was food on it. When she noticed there wasn’t anything, she started hissing, and I moved my hand so she would go further in the cage. A little confused why she would just hiss at me, and not just move herself and go back further in the cage? I’m so sad that she hissed, I thought we were making progress :confused:
Don’t feel bad, it can be a very loooong process lol. Basil came out of his cage today on his own. He’s not afraid of my hands just my face. But boy once he sees my face he puffs up and opens his mouth. Then I just put him back in his enclosure. One more thing, I’ve had him since April so it’s taken him around 4 months to get to this point. Just be patient. :) He has days where he will act like he’s never seen me before and hide. It just depends on their mood.
How cute is she!!!


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