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We brought our first veiled chameleon about two weeks ago and was told he was about 8-10 weeks old.

His body was about an inch long (not including tail). He has about doubled in size since we've had him.

I have seen many pictures and videos of veiled chameleons that seem to be massive at about 4 months. Do they grow really quick or is my baby younger than I was told.

Pic is of him about a week ago


  • thor1.jpg
    18.1 KB · Views: 121
can you take a pic of him on your finger please?
its so we can size compare to when we hold them.
he's asleep at the moment but here is a pic when we first got him 2 weeks ago.

He is sat on my husbands hand


  • thor2.jpg
    16.2 KB · Views: 108
I could see him being 8-10 weeks old.

Yes they grow FAST when they are small. You'll go in where their enclosure is, and realize "DANG, he's huge now"

Yes as you can see in the pic on my first post he has doubled in size in 2 weeks! He's getting a little attitude going on too! He has that look of "really! I don't think so" when you hold your hand out "I am not stepping on that!"

New cage may be required quicker than I thought!!

Any extra requirements for a baby? He eats tiny crickets, the occasional meal worm (trying to get him to eat from the hand) we dust the crickets with a multivit powder once or twice a week (recommended by store) he gets misted 2-3 times a day with warm water for about 10 minutes at a time.

Yes as you can see in the pic on my first post he has doubled in size in 2 weeks! He's getting a little attitude going on too! He has that look of "really! I don't think so" when you hold your hand out "I am not stepping on that!"

New cage may be required quicker than I thought!!

Any extra requirements for a baby? He eats tiny crickets, the occasional meal worm (trying to get him to eat from the hand) we dust the crickets with a multivit powder once or twice a week (recommended by store) he gets misted 2-3 times a day with warm water for about 10 minutes at a time.


they get fiesty at his age, and it gets worse when he hits his teen years (4-10 months old)
no extra stuff..
your supplements are wrong.
calcium without d3 for every feeding,
calcium with d3 twice a month.
multivitamin TWICE a month.

repashy all in one calcium plus (nothing else required) every feeding.
ok i will go to the shop tomorrow and look for it.

We were told "repton" was enough!

often petstores are just wrong.

and sometimes you cant find the calicum without d3 in stores, so youll have to order online.

but the repashy, is an all in one, its replaces the other 3, and is used daily.
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