ages of a veiled


New Member
how do i know when my cham turns to a juvinile and when it tuns gravid.
any pictures to help would be evan better.

thanks very much.
Greetings, again. I just answered your January 21st post, and then searched to see your other postings. I'm not an expert in these things, but my guess is a veiled would turn juvenile at 4-6 months, and can be carrying unfertilized eggs at 6-12 months. Each cham is different, sometimes vastly different, in their growth and development. Especially veileds.
There was someone that posted in a local thread recently (Not on here) That had a Veiled gravid at 4 months. The Chameleon ended up dieing egg bound.

It just depends on the Chameleon on the whole Gravid thing.
Just because your veiled has eggs doesn't mean she is gravid. Veileds start eggs very young but until they are fertilized by a male, she is not considered gravid. Wait until she is almost fully grown, 9-12 months, and very healthy before you mate her. Veileds are well known for having very large clutches and unless she is healthy and almost grown herself might not be able to withstand preganancy and laying the eggs. Ours just laid her first clutch and had 35 eggs. It took her all day to dig and lay the eggs and several days just to recover from the ordeal. We have another one that we just mated for the first time and she is just over 1 yr old.
can you explain what you mean about having eggs does not mean that they are gravid????? I am confused :confused: so what does gravid mean then?
Is there a proper term for a cham who is expecting infertile eggs?
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Here are some photos of my veiled, Kermit. Her calm color was all green when she was a baby. When she was 7-8 months old her calm color developed some orange and blue marks. The 8.5 month old photo was taken about 2 weeks before she laid eggs for the first time. Her gut looks huge in it.

Kermit at 6 months:

Kermit at 8 months:

Kermit at 8.5 months:

I hope these help. :)
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