I know that people say that chams can get aggrevated by certain colours but does anyone actually know for sure what colours those are or is it just more of a personal experience with your own cham?
It seems to vary by chameleon for me. I have a veiled that hates my Jimmy Buffet concert tshirt, a couple who hate the pink fuzzy robe hubby bought me (so do I !) and all of them hate a t shirt that has a very large picture of a chameleon when he is fired up, I love the shirt and the chameleon on it so I sometimes forget and wear it into the chameleon room. It takes me a minute to figure out why they are all upset. Based on my chameleons there is no rhyme or reason to what they do or don't like color wise.
My chams dislike long sleeved shirts, particularly the darker colored ones. They also drop to the floor of their cages if I wear gloves when I try to handle them.
Jasper will not come near me if I have a red shirt on. My first cup feeding was with a red bowl and he hissed and puffed up the minute I put it in there...
I have a cerise pink cardigan and Amy hates it! She tries to hide when I wear it and stand in front of her cage. Tommy doesn't seem to take offense to any colour, bless him, but if I am wearing my pearl bracelets he will not step on my hand, lol!
I was just wondering because I am generally quite a colourful person clothing wise and there have been times where Marley has been 'grumpy' at me for no reason so I figured it may be my clothes lol