aggrevated by colours.


New Member
I know that people say that chams can get aggrevated by certain colours but does anyone actually know for sure what colours those are or is it just more of a personal experience with your own cham?
It seems to vary by chameleon for me. I have a veiled that hates my Jimmy Buffet concert tshirt, a couple who hate the pink fuzzy robe hubby bought me (so do I !) and all of them hate a t shirt that has a very large picture of a chameleon when he is fired up, I love the shirt and the chameleon on it so I sometimes forget and wear it into the chameleon room. It takes me a minute to figure out why they are all upset.:eek: Based on my chameleons there is no rhyme or reason to what they do or don't like color wise.
Peanut has a dislike for dark blue/navy...and becomes quite calm, if not more approachable when i wear my pale yellow jumper.
My chams dislike long sleeved shirts, particularly the darker colored ones. They also drop to the floor of their cages if I wear gloves when I try to handle them.
Jasper will not come near me if I have a red shirt on. My first cup feeding was with a red bowl and he hissed and puffed up the minute I put it in there...
I think it varies a bit with the species...but they all seem to be wary of the dark colors and red. Sometimes its a pattern "thing" too.
my veiled hates black and red tshirts
my panther hates stripey tshirts but dosnt mind the same colours jus plain
I have a cerise pink cardigan and Amy hates it! She tries to hide when I wear it and stand in front of her cage.:rolleyes: Tommy doesn't seem to take offense to any colour, bless him, but if I am wearing my pearl bracelets he will not step on my hand, lol!:confused::D
Thanks for commenting everyone.

I was just wondering because I am generally quite a colourful person clothing wise and there have been times where Marley has been 'grumpy' at me for no reason so I figured it may be my clothes lol
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