so ive had a power failure since 8 this morning (now 4 hours long) what can i do whats going to happen? what should i do HELP
its only about 8 degrees c outside
do you or your dad own an elimenator batter pack power souce..? if so plug the light into it periodically to keep the heat up.... or hair dry FROM DISTANCE make sure its not to hot into the enclose while misting pereodically keeping the humidity up ... humidity is heat...
"do you or your dad own an elimenator batter pack power souce..?"
Good idea Pieces I live in the country and power failures are frequent. That will save me a few hundred for a generator.
they make this device for computers, called a "UPS" >.> something power source. its made to give your 4 extra hours reserve battery back up power for your desktop.
with lights drawing so little power, it could last potentially hours.
About a month ago we had the power out for most of a day- probably 8am-3pm and then a few hours later until late that night. (and I live in MN, not Cali or Florida like most of these people)
I have a few good windows that get a lot of light, so I simply picked up her whole cage and moved it in front of that window for the day. I've seen some battery powered type things made with fish tanks in mind, you plug it into the wall and it can tell when there's no power and it automatically switches it's battery on... or something. I've seen them from time to time at petstores, but I don't know any brand names.
They can go without UVB for several days no issues
If the house gets too cold and you need short term heat, put chameleon into a shoebox (he'll settle down after he's been in the dark for a while) with a towel wrapped:
hot water bottle (your hot water tank will stay warm quite a while, or boil water on a BBQ)
or one of those chemical heat pads such as are used for shipping or keeping hands warm in gloves
or the salt(i think?) based ones in which you snap a metal disk and the liquid gets hot as it hardens, then you can reuse it after boiling.
Some emergency animal hospitals have generators to keep their buildings warm, and may allow emergency day care, for a fee.
Consider a little UPS to run a small watt lightbulb - just enough to keep him warm in a smaller cage covered with a blanket.