Ahhh!!! Horny Veiled????

No, I'm not, and just because you have not seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've seen it myself, plenty of people have, and there's been blogs about it before.

Post them then and prove your point. Not blogs, actual studies. Anyone can make a lousy blog about anything, studies are factual information.
Nothing to do with dominance.....its purely that you just have a teenage cham and that is what they do, just like any teenager. They do that sort of stuff.

I am glad I am out of that stage with mine....but my panther still looks behind the indoor plants everyday while free ranging and gives me the stink eye as his girlfriend is not there :rolleyes:
I'm sorry but if in the wild a snake tried to eat a chameleon i would think it would run away or fire up but not that just my opinion
To the OP,

disregard the comment about it being self defense until someone that knows for sure what the behavior is posts. IMO, it has nothing to do with self defense. It may be, as posted before, your chameleon is in his adolescent stage and cannot "keep it in his pants." lol
To the OP,

disregard the comment about it being self defense until someone that knows for sure what the behavior is posts. IMO, it has nothing to do with self defense. It may be, as posted before, your chameleon is in his adolescent stage and cannot "keep it in his pants." lol

I did not say HIS cham was doing it as self defense. I said chams have done it before for that reason, I've seen it, others have seen it, and while the OP's cham didn't do it for that reason, you are being very closed minded.
To the OP,

disregard the comment about it being self defense until someone that knows for sure what the behavior is posts. IMO, it has nothing to do with self defense. It may be, as posted before, your chameleon is in his adolescent stage and cannot "keep it in his pants." lol

what are you talking about!!! I still whip mine out from time to time and go to town!!!:cool:
maybe it is a defence mechanism. the though process could go like this.

"He's trying to kill me. That turns me on. Maybe i can lay down some sweet moves to chill him out."
hahahaha, oh man, I didnt think about it this way :rolleyes:

it is safe to theorize that chameleons, like humans, do like a challenge too. thus you can assume that the chameleon will try to seduce it's enemy if it feels threatened

and yes i am joking.

my point is that the argument on this thread is pointless, unless somebody runs tests with control groups and multiple species, it is just a theory. end of discussion.
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