air pump work as water pump?


New Member
just trying to save some money and make it an easy setup. but will like an aquarium air pump work to pump water instead of air is submersed? just making a homemade misting system
you got yourself into a huge project let me tell you my friend, i try to do the same trying to conect my little dripper to both the cages and the air pump and at the end i just took that air pump and some tubes got a small dishh and then got a air stone and conected everything together, it works but you shld still do misting and have some kind of dripper system
not exactly as you imagine

in short no, air pumps and pumps used in misting are too different, you wont get the pressure needed

check out something like this|0

or look through these

and old trick i used to use but never really talked about was to use a airpump and one of the cups used by pet store to keep betas its not a mister but its cheap and stimulates chams with the way it makes the water flow like a little fountain, the size makes it easy to clean,

but you would have to be diligent about cleaning ( main reason why i never really talk about it )
not like a pump man i have a misting sprayer. im talking about making my own like rain system ill just get a water pump then and make a system.
easy if you have the right kind of mister then all you need to do is aime the nozzle into the bottom of a small square bucket, hang the bucket upsidedown. When you run the mister the water will pool up on the top and drip off looking just like rain
I have been doing a "dripwall delta" for warming plant roots. It is run from an aquarium bubble pump (100 ft away in a shed) and it uses the "airlift in a bucket" approach to pumping the water with the air. The airlift in a bucket is a one year old idea and it works really well. The "delta" is a v shaped piece of aluminium for the corners of drywall. I siloconed the ends and used a dremmel with its cutting disk attachment to cut 5 or 6 slots in one side. That gives the 5 or 6 drips. I also grow flax and I have used the flax fibers to spread the drip far better over the wall. The dripwall delta (in my case) is to warm the drip of water so that heat is carried down to plant roots. It is only 1 and a half months old. I use the slots like a river delta. In theory, they slowly block with muck over time but the fastest flow will tend to block quicker (which means they will all drip more or less the same speed). It works well. Playlist is at Give it a try! Brian
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