All begging to come out!!


Avid Member
Okay, Ive really done it now! getting ready to go grocery shopping, and Noogie, Smeagie and Squee are all begging to come out at the same time!!!

Noogie watches me, perched and ready right in front of the cage door.
He reaches his little arms out to me every time I walk by.

Squee is also perched and ready to bolt up my arm, he just looks at me with those pityful puppy dog eyes.

Smeagie actually rattles and shakes the vines and makes as much racket as possible to get my attention!!

It's my fault, of course, for giving them such an elaborate free range, I wish I could trust them when I'm not here to supervise, and it's so hard to not give in when they are being so pityfull :eek:

I just gave them all some blue bottle flies to give them something to do for a while, but that wont last long!
Awww :D That sounds so adorable! Makes me look forward to getting this house for ourselves and turning one of the sections (It's a family house) into a chameleon house... they just seem so much happier being out and about, rather than "stuck" in cages. Seems like yours are really happy with how they live!
OMG! That is so cute. I'd never be able to leave. Sounds like they really enjoy being out. Good luck with that. I'm a sucker for the little arms waving at me.
OMG! That is so cute. I'd never be able to leave. Sounds like they really enjoy being out. Good luck with that. I'm a sucker for the little arms waving at me.

I am too, that gets me every time, it's so cute and I cant resist.
By the time I got home from shopping, Noogie wasn't interested in coming
out anymore, until I let Smeagol out, and he saw him and changed his mind :rolleyes:
They all have their favorite place on the free range and just love to be up so high they can look down on me :D
Okay, Ive really done it now! getting ready to go grocery shopping, and Noogie, Smeagie and Squee are all begging to come out at the same time!!!

Noogie watches me, perched and ready right in front of the cage door.
He reaches his little arms out to me every time I walk by.

Squee is also perched and ready to bolt up my arm, he just looks at me with those pityful puppy dog eyes.

Smeagie actually rattles and shakes the vines and makes as much racket as possible to get my attention!!

It's my fault, of course, for giving them such an elaborate free range, I wish I could trust them when I'm not here to supervise, and it's so hard to not give in when they are being so pityfull :eek:

I just gave them all some blue bottle flies to give them something to do for a while, but that wont last long!

Lets see some pictures!!
I know, I need to post up some fresh pics of all my guyz, only thing is, every time I go and get my camera they either hide, or turn a dark color.
So I have to wait till they are in the right mood :rolleyes:

Noogie now hangs out on the closest branch in front of the cage door, all the better to run up my arm!

I cant even open Smeagol's door to clean without him making a fast break for the free range!! :eek:
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