All Living Things UVB


New Member
I sent my husband out for a Reptisun and he came back with an All Living Things UVB because our Petsmart didn't have any Reptisun in stock. Does anyone have any experience with these? Are they any good or do I need to replace and get a Reptisun?
I have a juvenile male Panther in a ZooMed Large enclosure. Here is the link to the UVB he picked up-
So just off of the packaging it says it emits 25 microwatts of UVB. Not sure if that means directly under it or not. that should be suitable short term, but personally id prefer stronger. it would be equivalent to a reptisun 2.5, which isn't a thing, but you get the idea. I would use it until you got the proper strength. someone told me panthers need 30-35 microwatts, but I've never verified it, but if its just for a little bit, I don't see it being a huge deal. Maybe a little extra natural sunlight if you are somewhere that isn't cold right now.
Thanks. I'm going to go ahead and order the Reptisun- I'm nervous about him. He seems to shake a lot when he walks.
I cant speak of the quality of the bulb, but 25 microwatts is good

Ill post my notes:

A panther/veiled needs 30-35 µW/cm² peak when the bulb is fresh, and should be changed at 15-20 µW/cm². Mind you, you can go higher as others have stated daylight is 300 µW/cm²

ZooMed Reptisun 10.0 tube, at 12 inches distance no screen (assume no reflector):
6.2 reading: 24 µW/cm².
6.5 reading: UV Index 0.7"

Now on to the scarry numbers:

Ohio august 23 2013 partly cloudy with sun peaking out behind cloud 11am: 3.0 UVI
Full sun 2pm 5.8 UVI
Full sun 2pm in the shade 1.5 UVI (measured under a few oak trees and bird garden shrubs)

42" LYR hood+ reflector no screen with 6% and 6500k 6 months old: 1.8 UVI @ 12" .7 UVI @ 24"

42" LYR hood+ refector no screen with 12% and 6500k 1 month old: 3.5 UVI at 12" 2.8 UVI @ 15" (beardy rock level)

With a 40 to 1 conversion for UVB µW/cm² to UVI, that would make the cham cage 72 UVB µW/cm²at basking and 28 UVB µW/cm²mid tank.

For the beardy that would be 112 UVB µW/cm² at basking rock.
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