Allegedly male, but...


New Member
Hi guys,
I bought this pardal at a reptile show a week ago and was told by the vendor (who otherwise didnt seem very competent) that its probably male. After reading more about them I suspect its rather a female: "he" doesnt seem to have any "bulge" on his tail and his colours are mostly towards pink and a bit of sandy grey. On the other hand "his" nose seems a bit spiky. But maybe hes just too young to judge - how old do you guys think this one could be? He measures about 12cm without the tail. Is there a chance he could be just a bit "late" and that he will turn out to be male, or are the factors pointing towards a clear female? I would exchange him for another one while I am not too attached to "him":) Thanks a lot for your help!

She's 100% female, unfortunately. And doesn't look very young, so there's no excuse for being lied to like that, she's obviously female to any breeder worth his weight. I'm sorry you were tricked like that!
It's hard to say with any certainty but she could be full grown. I've seen bigger females and smaller females, but my smaller females were her size at a year of age.

Again, I'm sorry you were lied to. It's the one thing that angers me the most, when people lie about gender. Because if he's a breeder then it's obvious, but he probably sold you a female at male price just to make the extra money.
With all due respect, you went to a reptile show and likely spent well more than $100, if not $200, taking the word of, and then buying from, someone who "was not very competent", purchasing an animal that you clearly lack the most basic knowledge of.

I would strongly suggest that you focus on establishing a more common sense approach to such purchases in the future. For starters, such as first educating yourself about a species BEFORE you buy it, and then purchasing from someone who you feel is competent.

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