Alternate foods


New Member
Thought Oscar might want to try a grape today. So I cut a chunk off and stuck it on branch of his hibiscus plant. He ran right over to it and ate it right up. delish..


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This probably does not apply to chams but it interesting anyway. My wife has a symester left in vet school. And within the last year they have discovered that grapes can cause chronic renal failure in dogs. They have not isolated the chemical yet but have quite a few documented cases.
This probably does not apply to chams but it interesting anyway. My wife has a symester left in vet school. And within the last year they have discovered that grapes can cause chronic renal failure in dogs. They have not isolated the chemical yet but have quite a few documented cases.
Interesting... I did a quickie search on dogs and grapes and ran into what appears to be confirming info leading back to 1989.

A downloadable pdf article from the ASPCA:
I was talking to a dealer/breeder at a show and he said chams won't eat fruits or veggies, or plant matter at all. I had remembered hearing different before him, so was he just ignorant?
I was talking to a dealer/breeder at a show and he said chams won't eat fruits or veggies, or plant matter at all. I had remembered hearing different before him, so was he just ignorant?

Yes. Not all species will, but its pretty common knowledge I think that there are chameleons that will eat veggies from time to time. Not as a staple, but in addition to their insect diet.
Veiled chameleons will eat quite a variety of greens, veggies and fruit....and some of them will eat quite a lot of them. Some of my veileds almost strip the pothos plants in their cages bare.

My veileds quite willingly take apple, pear, sweet red pepper, dandelion greens and numerous other greens, fruits and some cases even passing up the insects temporarily.

One panther chameleon I owned would take the occasional green pea. Panther chameleons (and others) have been recorded to chew/nibble on branches too.

And then there's soil....many consume it from time to time too.
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