Always Has Excess Saliva?


New Member
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Jacksons, Male, 1 Year Old. I have had him for about 6 months.

Handling - I handle him only when necessary. I.e. cleaning, to give medicne

Feeding - I feed him 4-6 Dubia Roaches a day. I gutload them with chicken feed.
Supplements - I dust the dubias with Exo-Terra calcium every other day and a multivitamin and vitamin d once a month.

Watering - I mist a couple times a day for about 30 seconds at a time. I also have a drip system. I see him drinking every now and then, but I tend to leave the room after I mist.

Fecal Description - Normal feces, normal urates. Has been tested for parasites.

History - N/A

Cage Info:
Cage Type - 1/2 Inch Homemade Screen cage. 3ftx2.5ftx2ft
Lighting - Two heat lamps to switch back and forth from as needed, and a uvb strip light.

Temperature - Top Temp ~82 Degrees. Bottom Temp ~70 Degrees. Measured by two analog thermometers.

Humidity - Humidity ~65-70%
I use a fogger.

Plants - No live plants.

Placement - Cage is in my room. The highest point from the floor is 5 1/2 feet

Location - Washington State.

Problem: My chameleon always seems to have a lot of saliva in his mouth. I first noticed this about 5 months ago and took him to the vet, she said he didn't have a respiratory infection but he might have some kind of bug in his mouth or something. So she gave me antibiotics and I gave them tohim for the time prescribed. Periodically he still had the excess saliva in his mouth, and this went on for about another 3 months before I took him back to another vet. He tested him for parasites and did a swab of the saliva, and the swab came back negative but he tested positive for parasites, so I gave him that medicine and completed it. So here I am 3 months after that last visit and he still always has excess saliva in his mouth. Is this normal for a Jacksons? He is otherwise healthy, active, drinks and eats just fine, but he shows some signs of a RI (tilting head up, gaping a lot, swallows even when he hasn't eaten) but he has always acted this wasy since I got him.

Thanks for reading, and for any replies!
Yeah, I only have used baytril, maybe it is time for a different route. I know it sounds mean, but I just don't want to take him to the vet again and have him still be sick after everything is said and done, and money is kind of tight right now. But I will try to get him in as soon as I can.
Oh, and both of the vets I have brought him too were both cham owners, so I'm not sure what the deal is with that.
Hey I realize this post is from three years ago but my Jacksons Xanth also has the access saliva but shows no signs of RI. Was wondering if you found out the root of the issue or if it's something that jacksons just do?
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