hi everyone! It’s been a minute since I’ve posted in this forum! All of you are the best chameleon people so I wanted to run some things by this group of amazing people to see if there is anything going on. Herbie is my panther chameleon that I’ve had for almost 2 years and I feel like a helicopter parent because Im always a bit stressed about his behavior. After running over some husbandry with you guys everything seemed fine on my end and I took him to one of the best visiting herpetologists at UGA to run some bloodwork in June of last year. Overall his bloodwork was fine but they suggested it was possibly the beginning of renal failure so to up all his humidity. So I did that for a while and things seemed to get better! I got him some insurance and he started acting a bit weird again and I took him to an exotic vet who ran some bloodwork in November and all of his bloodwork improved which was great (and at this point I’m just convinced I’m crazy) but I took pictures of his weird behavior and they all agreed that something is not exactly right but bloodwork and fecal seem to be perfect. He stopped acting weird miraculously after and then today I caught him with his eyes closed towards the bottom on his enclosure (tail not curled) and I’m just at a loss here. I feel like he is just not feeling well and I don’t know what could be wrong and I’ve really tried everything! He seems to have trouble getting his food (he doesn’t shoot his tongue out very far to get it) and he seems fatigued overall. Any advice or ideas what may be going on?