Am I missing anything?


New Member
Ok, so I've set up my future chameleons' cage! I believe I have it all, but I'd like some people to chime in if I'm missing something, or I'm doing it wrong! I hope to get a male veiled (2/3 months) from Chameleon's Finest (perhaps sired by Conehead).

Your Chameleon -Veiled, male, don't have him yet
Handling - hopefully once per week
Feeding - Cup fed at first, crickets, occasional meal worm after 6 months of age. Crickets will be gutloaded with collard greens, kale, etc. I'd like to look into raising hornworms or silk worms eventually.
Supplements - ReptiCal (zoomed) everyday, Rep-Cal herptivite every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month, and Rep-Cal phospho-free calcium with D3 every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month.
Watering - Mist morning and afternoon for 5 minutes each, and a dripper in place (drips every 3 seconds).
Fecal Description - n/a
History -n/a

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen (aluminum), 18x18x36
Lighting - Zoomed reptisun 5.0, and 60 watt basking (have dimmer so the wattage can be adjusted with age), 12 hours on, 12 hours off.
Temperature - Ambient is 74.5 F, Basking 80.1 F. Night time temp is about 70 F (may drop a bit more in the winter)
Humidity - I have a thermometer/hygrometer gauge, 55% humidity with AC on, and 70% without AC.
Plants - Umbrella plant in cage (conveniently named Elvis), and Corn tree outside cage for when we're home (named Presley).
Placement - Living room, medium traffic, but there will be a blanket available to put over him during the night if need be. Near an AC vent, but the vent is not directed at him.
Location - Maryland, USA

How does everything look?


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everything seems pretty good. I would add some more foliage up at the top of the cage as new environments can stress them out and good hiding places can help ihim adjust.

I would also try to mist at least 1 or 2 more times a day if possible. if not, you should look into getting a mistking.

as for your gutloading, I would do a bit more resaerch on that. Kale is not ideal for gutloading with.

Find sandrachameleons blog on it. or just search gutload.

Good luck
Looks awesome. I'd highly recommend the starter MistKing setup as I just put together a similar cage and it really simplifies the whole process of keeping hydration and humidity up.

Oh and I'd get a new SoCo bottle, the one you have is gettin low! ;)
I think your cage looks great! That tree will fill out in no time and soon you will be cutting it back :eek: You may want to adjust your basking spot to a little higher if you get a older guy (not a few months old).

If you can't mist him 3 times a day due to you scheduale I would give him a good heavy mist in the morning and get everything dripping then have the dripper set to drip for the whole day. You may want to figure out a way to drain the water without making a mess. LLL sells drain pans or you can set it on a stand drill holes in the bottom and have it drain into a bucket. There is so many ways to do it you will have to search the forums and find one that works for you.

Here are a few of my favorite links :D They have tons of great information

Post pictures after you get him ;)
We have a pan at the bottom to catch all excess water. I'll make sure to mist heavily morning and afternoon. The humidity in the apartment is naturally around 60%, so he shouldn't struggle there. The chameleon I plan on getting will be about 3 months old. As for the gut-loading I'm looking into better gut-load foods.
if thats the heater sitting on the cage i would say lift it a little so its just dangling down not touching the cage. that cage might get hot and burn the cham... make sure its about 3-5 inches above the cage...if you have a baby veiled make sure its 5 inches above the cage.
The heat lamp is actually about 3 inches above the cage (it's hard to see from the angle I took the picture at). It's being held up to prevent the mesh from getting too hot.
Thanks! :D
Hello, welcome to the forum. Great looking setup you have there, I'm sure he'll settle in fine. Only advice is like has already been said, a little extra cover while he basks, just so he's harder to see from the front and he'll probably be a lot more comfortable basking (making him hungrier too.....)
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