Am I ready for my first Veiled Chameleon?


New Member
Okay so Here we go, there are two pictures down below of the enclosure, I have one vertical dowel and 4 horizontal dowels, two large vines that move above and below the planted pohtos plant that has rocks blocking the soil, and 3 large fake vines that provide foliage to hide. The humidity is 50-65 throughout the day. The enclosure is 2'2'4'.

There are two bulbs above along with a little dipper drip system. One UVB and one heat bulb that gets the basking spot of the top most vine at around 87 degrees with a 75watt bulb. They are on a timer to come on at 7 and go off at 8.

I have repashy calcium plus and crickets. I have a feeding cup the crickets cannot escape from. I also have mealworms to bond with my chameleon as I attempt to tame him. I will feed every day until my chameleon is old enough to be fed every other day.

I have an manual mist system that has been cleaned out and rinsed along with all the other materials in the enclosure. I understand to mist twice a day.

The only thing missing is a drainage system that I am working on now. I do not think I have missed anything, so, what do you think? I am ready to place the order? I plan on purchasing a 4-6" chameleon online.

P.S. Please ignore the dolphin wallpaper, we were all 8 once.


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It sounds to me like you've done your research and have a pretty solid set up.
I would get a 100 watt heat bulb (personal preference I guess since your temps seem right.), and increase the number of mistings through out the day. I have a mistking set up to run for two minutes, every three hours from 8am to 8pm which provides a pretty constant source of water without drowning the little guy.
Only reason I say that about the misting is my chameleon doesn't really seem to like drinking from a dripper nearly as much as licking the mist off leaves, but every chameleon is different.

But yea, I'd say you're good to go!
I actually have a back up 100watt incase the light breaks and to upgrade when the chameleon is an adult as males need slightly higher temps. Thank you so much this was fun to build and im looking forward to a little guy:D in there!
I would vary the feeders more than just crickets and mealworms- try silkworms and hornworms too! On buying a veiled I definitely think you need to order from a small breeder. Veileds can have an attitude, it helps if they have gotten used to people before you get him. There are great breeders on the forums- pm me and I will tell you who to get a sweetie from!!
I would vary the feeders more than just crickets and mealworms- try silkworms and hornworms too! On buying a veiled I definitely think you need to order from a small breeder. Veileds can have an attitude, it helps if they have gotten used to people before you get him. There are great breeders on the forums- pm me and I will tell you who to get a sweetie from!!

I agree. Chameleons need a good variety of well gutloaded feeders. Below is a link to my blog for new keepers of veileds.
Thank you everyone for your help this is an exceptional community and I look forward to being a part of it. Im very much looking forward to getting my veiled soon :D:D:D
Okay so Here we go, there are two pictures down below of the enclosure, I have one vertical dowel and 4 horizontal dowels, two large vines that move above and below the planted pohtos plant that has rocks blocking the soil, and 3 large fake vines that provide foliage to hide. The humidity is 50-65 throughout the day. The enclosure is 2'2'4'.

There are two bulbs above along with a little dipper drip system. One UVB and one heat bulb that gets the basking spot of the top most vine at around 87 degrees with a 75watt bulb. They are on a timer to come on at 7 and go off at 8.

I have repashy calcium plus and crickets. I have a feeding cup the crickets cannot escape from. I also have mealworms to bond with my chameleon as I attempt to tame him. I will feed every day until my chameleon is old enough to be fed every other day.

I have an manual mist system that has been cleaned out and rinsed along with all the other materials in the enclosure. I understand to mist twice a day.

The only thing missing is a drainage system that I am working on now. I do not think I have missed anything, so, what do you think? I am ready to place the order? I plan on purchasing a 4-6" chameleon online.

P.S. Please ignore the dolphin wallpaper, we were all 8 once.

The last line sealed the deal for me. :)
I hate to say anything, but those dowl rods may be too slipery for your cham.
They need something with texture, like tree branches.
I tried them, and had to take them out.

Just saying, you may be okay, I wasnt ;)
Wow! You've done you're research! Lol I think you're good to go! Good luck once you get your new guy, and make sure you post pics when u get him!
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