New Member
I'm a first time cham owner and I love this little guy I just got last Sunday. I read about when you get them to let them be for a dew days and adjust and to rarely handle them. Well when I opened his container ,he on his own climbed on to my hand and I didn't have the cage set up yet so the next hr or so he hung out with me and ended up going to sleep on my finger. That was our first day together. Then the next day I noticed he shys away from my face at first when he's on my hand but after he is out for a while he remembers I'm not going to eat him. he climbed up my face and on to my head and he stayed there for an hr and then feel asleep on my hand as I watched TV. The third day he took a cricket from my fingers and climbed up on my head again for an hour while I sat up his mesh cage . I was just wondering if he was stressed from the handling he doesn't seem it to me but he's my first cham. His colors don't really change when I have him out , he climbs on my hand on his own, he doesn't run from my hand or puff up his neck. I looked up stress signs and he doesn't wobble or anything that makes me think he's stressed. It's just from what I read they don't like being handled and he doesn't seem to mind it.