Am I the only one that gets excited when you see your cham Shedding?


New Member
I have had Randall (Male Veiled) since Nov 1st and since I have had him, he just went through a second shedding and I got excited about it lol my little boy is getting big :D

I have owned several reptiles and evertime one of them shed I got excited...
I cannot wait for stonewall to shed for the first time.
i get scared first, :eek:
then apprehensive, :eek:
then sleepless, :mad:
but when it is open i pop open a bottle and :D
feel excited :cool:
I have owned several reptiles and evertime one of them shed I got excited...
I cannot wait for stonewall to shed for the first time.

Best Jackson chameleon name yet!

By the way, jacksons can have slow, difficult sheds. Be sure to up the misting and humidity. I have to use the shower technique when mine sheds to prevent retained shed around the horns and along his spikes.

And yes, it is always exciting to see the shed, both to see the wardrobe update as well as verification that your guy/gal is growing and healthy.
I LOVE it when mine shed! I especially love how they shed the soles of their feet in one piece, ratehr like taking off their dirty socks! :eek: I have a collection of the best pieces of shed from all the chams I have had since my first female back in 2008! I love how you can see from the pattern of the scales which body part each bit of shed came off of!:D
my panther just started shedding this morning, excited indeed. He has shed 4 times in 10 weeks and every time he gains more color so cant wait to see how he looks after this one.
:D I love it too. Zeke shed late tonight. Not long before lights out so not sure if he's all clear. Will see in the morning. They are so cute when they scratch like a little dog.:D
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