Am i weird?

I always talked to mine and I know for a fact that they all reacted to the vibrations of my voice cause they would come to the cage door to be let out every time the heard me near or even reacting to a special car and not others.
I could be in a different room and one of my m8s in the cham room and she always saw them reacting to my pressenes .
According to my household vet ( who is an recognized european expert - nothing less than the best was good enough for my cham s) I had a very special bond with each and every one of my chams like he never seen before and I think it was because the way it treated them - always paying attention to them when they needed it.
One day when I was in a lot of pain, my first veiled 0.1 made her way up to my chest where she "put up camp" and when my wife at that time tried to remove her she attacked and chased her and then she returned to my chest.
The wife could sit next me and to anything, but remove the Cham (it got angry every time she tried) late on she fel asleep on my chest - and my pain had lifted a lot.
That was a unique experience and I only think it happen cause I do weird stuff like taking to her and builded a relationship full of trust.
I know that chams isn't the worlds most intelligent animals - but the nice thing about them is they always tells how the "feel" with colours and change in Behaivur.
My point is - keep doing the crazy and weird stuff:)
I always talk to certain animals as if they were involved in discussion. Especially my tortoises that I've had for over 10 years. ( fish not so much)

I showed my breeder goat yesterday at the county fair. Prior to the show we had a "heart to heart" as she was being stubborn. Apparently she listened caused it worked!!! :D

And I don't look at it as us being weird, more like we are highly advanced compared to "normal people". hahaha
Every morning I go tell mine what sweet, lovely, pretty, good, healthy, or what ever chams the are. I talk to them just like I would a child. "Now come on Rah, you need to eat this for mommy. Rah I will kick your little green butt if you don't start eating right now!" and on and on it goes.

This is awesome...I don't even have to type!! lmao The weird part comes in where I told my mother when she was "babysitting" one weekend that she should do the same :D, just to start off on the right foot with Claude (Salvador was not even a twinkle in his mommy chams eye then lol);)
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