Ambient temp


New Member
We keep our house about 68 degrees during the winter. My chams basking spot is 85 but the lower part of the cage is about 68 in some places, escpeiclaly under leaves etc...Just curious some others have that much of a drop.
Depends on the type of cham.

My veiled has a temp gradient of 65-68 degrees F at the bottom to 88-91 degrees F in his basking spot.

When he needs to thermoregulate he won't move to a spot he knows is too cold or hot.
Mine is the same. I keep my house thermostats at 62. All the cham lights in the room together bring the ambient up a few degrees, but it's a significant difference in the range from top to bottom. In the winter they hang around in the upper zones of their cage where it's warmer more than in the summer, but I think it's just fine as long as they can warm up to normal basking too.
We keep our house about 68 degrees during the winter. My chams basking spot is 85 but the lower part of the cage is about 68 in some places, escpeiclaly under leaves etc...Just curious some others have that much of a drop.

Yes I think that's fine, though I probably wouldnt like much more of a range than that, so that the animals doesnt have to spend too much time basking. I'm assuming the middle of the cage is somewhere inbetween those two extremes?
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