Ambilobe Babies

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Few pics of some of the babies that hatched last month.




I will be contacting everyone shortly that has inquired , I appreciate the feedback and interest. I still have all babies and they are growing well. I also have the 2nd clutch starting to hatch as of yesterday and my jacksons laid 15 babies. So i do apologize for the delay in my responses. By the end of this week I will be going thru the list and contacting everyone regardless. Thanks again Jack

BTW anyone want to give a shot on the Sexes, im never good at that. :(
Thanks for the responce!

From what i can tell in these photos they look like females, take another photo of the hind legs/feet so it will be easier to identify
I will be contacting everyone shortly that has inquired , I appreciate the feedback and interest. I still have all babies and they are growing well. I also have the 2nd clutch starting to hatch as of yesterday and my jacksons laid 15 babies. So i do apologize for the delay in my responses. By the end of this week I will be going thru the list and contacting everyone regardless. Thanks again Jack

BTW anyone want to give a shot on the Sexes, im never good at that. :(

They are growing very nicely!! All the ones you posted are males. If you need any help PM me and Ill send you my email address and you can send pics.
They are growing very nicely!! All the ones you posted are males. If you need any help PM me and Ill send you my email address and you can send pics.

For my own benefit, how did you tell they were males? so i can get a better understanding, Cant see the spore in the feet from the photos:confused:
For my own benefit, how did you tell they were males? so i can get a better understanding, Cant see the spore in the feet from the photos:confused:

I find them very easy to sex. After you see a whole clutch in person and can look at the differences it is much easier. Panthers do not get the tarsal spurs on them. The best indicator is the hemipenal bulge at the tail base. It will be thicker on the males and a lot of the time females will have this V shape/indent if you look at them from the bottom of the tail base. As for the ones in these pics that you cant really see the tail base, they all show obvious male coloration at this age. Though its not the best way to guarantee sex, coloration can be an indicator. Males around this age will show a gray coloration while females may be showing brownish/pink/orange coloration. Most people get mixed up at this age because females will actually have more color on them than males.
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