Ambilobe Lighting & Temp issues


New Member

We recently acquired a 3 month old male Ambilobe Panther. I’ve read there basking temp should be 80-85. We started out with the day blue 60w zoomed bulb. His temp stays 77-79.8.......
I can’t find a bulb that’s not an energy savor to get the temp higher. All the bulbs at Home Depot are energy savers so a 75w is really putting out 53 Watts.....100w puts out 72w. Temp still doesn’t break 80
So first question where can I find a true 75w or higher bulb?

Second I never witness him basking much. Everybtime I check on him or the temp he’s never under his lights. He’s hanging out across from his light or lower. Is this ok?
Is he content with the basking temp?

Any advice is appreciated

His cage dimensions are 16x16x20
Eating three crickets or cricket/roach combo a day
Misting twice a day with constant slow drip
What is the ambient temp? And is your cage screen or glass? I'm just thinking... 20in tall, if it's glass take care about his ambient temp, the glass will hold heat more, particularly a short one. Chams are pretty smart about basking when needed. First thing in the morning when lights come on is pretty guaranteed, but then they will come and go as needed. Of course having the recommended basking spot is still good, because he has the option. A nice temp gradient is always key :)
What is the ambient temp? And is your cage screen or glass? I'm just thinking... 20in tall, if it's glass take care about his ambient temp, the glass will hold heat more, particularly a short one. Chams are pretty smart about basking when needed. First thing in the morning when lights come on is pretty guaranteed, but then they will come and go as needed. Of course having the recommended basking spot is still good, because he has the option. A nice temp gradient is always key :)
What is the ambient temp? And is your cage screen or glass? I'm just thinking... 20in tall, if it's glass take care about his ambient temp, the glass will hold heat more, particularly a short one. Chams are pretty smart about basking when needed. First thing in the morning when lights come on is pretty guaranteed, but then they will come and go as needed. Of course having the recommended basking spot is still good, because he has the option. A nice temp gradient is always key :)
it’s a screen cage. Should I worry about the temp not breaking 80?
it’s a screen cage. Should I worry about the temp not breaking 80?
Not breaking into the 80s isn’t going to kill him but defanitly needs improvement. He will bask when he needs to, remember how small he is. It doesn’t take much to warm him up. If you can’t find any incandescent bulbs at your dollar store you can also use halogen. Looks like amazon has both in stock.
You may also want to consider moving straight into a big boy cage, a lot easier to create temperature gradients in those.
We originally purchased and have a 16x16x36 cage. The breeder gave us this smaller one and said it would be easier for him to find food. He’s been eating out of a Dixie cup that we hold so I did have the thought of going ahead and using the bigger cage. Was worried about the basking though. Since 85 isn’t mandatory we will probably go ahead and start setting that up.
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