Ambilobe locale?


New Member
Would like opinions on the locale of this boy please. I got him as a blue bar Ambilobe but have had some comments on his orange/red background colour which has some people saying he could be a hybrid? Can anyone help me sort this out? He is 2 years old the guy I got him from has no info on the parents.


  • boys Aug. 1.jpg
    boys Aug. 1.jpg
    84.6 KB · Views: 235
that is a beautifull panther but most likely not a full ambilobe. It spine is teal and doesn't have any red on its spine. Plus the way the head is shaped. He is beautiful though
Thats a good looking chameleon, I don't care who you are :) Anyways, Ambilobe is like the melting pot of locales. I half way joke that many importer or breeders will just call it Ambilobe because they don't know what it is. It could be pure Ambilobe but again...I think it is impossible to know for sure, but I would be very happy with him because he is awesome looking...maybe a bit overweight ;)
he might be mostly ambilobe but can be crossed with a sambava for the orange backgrround...and the only teal spine i know on a cham is the ankaramy(pink panther)...might be a crosss of those AMBLIOBE X SAMBAVA X ANKARAMY!!!!!!!!! aNYWAY HE LOOKS AMAZING:D
Eh. I would just trust the breeder on this one. Ambilobes have lots of different colors, and I've seen them that orange color before.
Orange Ambilobe

This is a 6 month old Ambilobe that I have. Both the adults came from Jim at chameleon company so you know there is no cross here.


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yes mike, your animal is clearly a full on ambilobe. You can tell by how much red is in its spine and also by that typical ambilobe head shape. Is that a crush baby. To the person who started this thread, i can never be 100% sure about what the locale is, (if its pure) but it is very gorgeous.
Crush off spring

yes mike, your animal is clearly a full on ambilobe. You can tell by how much red is in its spine and also by that typical ambilobe head shape. Is that a crush baby. To the person who started this thread, i can never be 100% sure about what the locale is, (if its pure) but it is very gorgeous.

Yes, The sire to crush was hancho and the sire to the female was cowboy from chameleon company. and i am cant say how pleased i am with the one in the pic.
it sounds like spine coloration and head shape are main contributing factors in determining a certain "Locale", is this a correct assumption?
it sounds like spine coloration and head shape are main contributing factors in determining a certain "Locale", is this a correct assumption?

You cannot tell the locale by looking at the chameleon. Spine coloration has little or nothing to do with it.
To Oski, He came from a guy calle John near Basingstoke ,who got him from a shop in Southampton.
and if its consistantly white/teal all the time the spine can to be a huge factor in making a highly detailed "assumption" that believe it or not would more likely be true than not. and as for head shape, im not completely certain to what degree and all but the rostral ridging on their face and some dimensions are often noted similar in specific locales versus others however i believe on a potential cross it cannot be used as locale traits have already been washed to an extent, their isnt genetically traits designing such panthers ridging. if the animal is no longer this or that you cant look for it. because you dont know what youll get from cross breeding. and i do not believe this animal is a pure locale.
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