Ambilobe Panther Chameleon


New Member
Hey guys got my panther in today "Charizard" lol,just want to know if everything looks alright with him. As he not really moving around a lot don't know how long would he get used to his cage??
And he hasn't really climb up too the top.


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Eyes look good (sunk in eyes would indicate deyhydration), nice strait limbs (which would indicate MBD) and nice colors (which would indicate stress) He looks healthy to me. :) What's your set up look like? And I would definitely just place him in his cage and not bother him for several days, if not a week unless feeding or misting.
What is on the bottom of the cage? There should not be any substrate apart from some paper towel.
I believe that is water. It sort of looks like substrate with the light reflecting off of it.
Its the substrate tray i bought from lllReptile,it has nothing in it thats water from the Mist King system


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Great set up! Looks really nice! No worries with the chameleon. He may just be getting ready for bed- take into consideration where he came from. Was there a time change? It may be bed time where he is from. OR he is just adjusting. Honestly, he looks great to me. Not stressed or anything, and since he's at the bottom of the cage, I suspect bed time :) my chameleons always head to the bottom and slow way down around 630-7 which is bed time :)
Thanks I'm glad he looks healthy, i'll leave him "Charizard" alone for a week as you suggested but it so hard not to stare at him lol :roll eyes: , what about MBD you said i didn't quite get that??
Thanks I'm glad he looks healthy, i'll leave him "Charizard" alone for a week as you suggested but it so hard not to stare at him lol :roll eyes: , what about MBD you said i didn't quite get that??

Your guy has nice straight limbs, looks good! he'll take a day or two to adjust.:)
nice looking cham, as others mentioned let him be for the most part for the remainder of the week.

nice to see another person from ontario been a lot lately, where abouts you from?
Higher Ground

He does look good, probably just getting used to his new home. My only recommendation would be to see about elevating that enclosure a bit more. It looks to me like you have a cat (or dog dish) near by. You might find the little guy a bit more stressed than he needs to be if he can see the other predator like pets. If possible elevating it more so he is well above the other pets and you would be ideal.

He is beautiful, love those red bars!!

I'm from Toronto, Canada. Does that count?
MBD- stands for metabolic bone disease. Chameleons with bowed legged, or what appear to be curvy have MBD. Nice straight limbs are what you want. MBD is irreversible, and left untreated is a slow painful death. But your good. Just supplement correctly, make sure your UVB is replaced when it's suppose to be, and if you get a warm enough day, real sun is better then any UVB bulb you can buy :)

And when I said leave him alone, I mean don't open his cage or get in to handle him. You can DEFiNITELY stare! Just sit down on the ground so he's looking down at you. He will feel threatened if your standing higher then him. Does that make sense?
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