Ambilobe wierd...


New Member
I have a panther ambilobe male 10months when i saw it in the breeder terrarium it was showing a lot of awesome colors now i am 1 and half months with him
and when its in ther terrarium it show like very gray oranges blues reds and greens, i changed it to a room that there is no movement, because i thought it was stress cause, but it still like the same, now i bought a uvb 5.0 exoterra uvb light and nothing...

What is wrong..?

The wierd thing is that when i handle it it change his colors very vibrant and awesome..
Cage Info:
Cage Type - glass 120cmsx70x50
Lighting - uvb exoterra 5.0 28 watts
Temperature - 25c mostly and 21 night
Humidity - between 60 and 80 %
Plants - no plastic any live
Placement - in a small room with 2 windows thers no movement or traffic inf the floor
Location - Mexico City

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - ambilobe panther , 10 months
Handling - i handle it before but now i have like 2 weeks without hndld it..
Feeding - superworms, and sometimes crickets, mealworm and waxworm
Supplements - one from zoo med d3 reptivite and one 2.0 calcium
Watering - drp[ing to plants and misting with a spary bottle
Fecal Description - normal like brown black with white yellow and yes
History - it closed is eye various times but now is fine
Current Problem - colors very grays
I would recommend you get him a nice big screen cage. What kind of UVB bulb do you have? It is coil oe tube style? Post some pictures of him.
Get rid of the coiled uvb immediately.You need a linear uvb bulb like a reptisun 5.0 18". The coil will blind him and ultimately kill him.
You don't mention any thing about a basking light or basking temps. You need to provide a light for him to bask under that will raise his temps to 29.4°C- 32.2°C. you current temp of 25C is only 77F, this is fine for ambient but not warm enough for basking.
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