Chameleon Enthusiast
I think Andee is mixing up the American Cockroach Periplaneta americana with the German Cockroach Blattella germanica. The American roaches usually do not infest the house and prefer to live outside. Any ones found inside are usually dead, or will die shortly from lack of moisture. The German ones on the other hand will infest your house and are really hard to get rid of. The German roaches are the ones found primarily in large housing complexes and restaurants. The German roaches skeeve me out!![]()
Maybe it's just cause I live in central California? We have American cockroach infestations most. We have had a few German ones when people are stupid yes. Lol German cockroaches are much better at survival than Americans in the way they literally can eat glue and wallpaper to survive. Fascinating insects. But Americans can breed in the household temps we have over here. My friend has had them in their apartment. They are easier to get rid of though because they are not as resistant to insecticide.